PLEASE NOTE: Your tax deductible donation goes 100% to the Olsen Family to support their recovery.
The story of Jake Olsen, a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer, and his family is pretty amazing. Jake and his whole family moved to Paradise to support his dream of becoming a Wildlife Officer. His whole family moved here to support him and then the Camp Fire happened.
Jake, his wife and their four children lost their house.
Jake's parents lost their house.
His wife's parents lost their house.
Her parent's parents lost their house.
Jake's sister in law lost her house.
And his wife's uncle lost his house.
Yes, six houses lost in total and all related to Warden Olsen. During the fire, Warden Olsen could not see his house until the morning after because he was helping evacuate the Feather River Hospital as part of his duty to this state.
The California Wildlife Officers Foundation (CalWOF.org) is looking for your help to support our mission of supporting Wildlife Officers. With such a massive displacement, we ask you to do what you can to help.
Through a Principal fund CalWOF accomplishes its mission by providing grants in three specific areas:
1. Financial Assistance: Grants may be used to augment health benefits and provide aid to families of Wildlife Officers who are injured or fall in the line of duty or special circumstances. (Since the inception of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in 1871, fifteen Wildlife Officers have lost their lives while protecting our state's natural resources.)
2. Scholarships: Wildlife Officers and their family members may apply for financial assistance toward college (undergraduate and graduate) degrees and other continuing education programs. Learn more about our scholarship program.
3. Training and Safety Support: Foundation funds may assist Wildlife Officers in conducting studies and obtaining equipment or other resources (not available in their annual budget with the state) necessary for protecting wildlife and the environment.
PLEASE NOTE: Your tax deductible donation goes 100% to the Olsen Family to support their recovery.
A clear explanation of how you know the beneficiary/ies and if you are in direct contact with them - CALWOF will make ALL funds available to Jake and his family ASAP.
A clear plan on how you intend to ensure the funds from the campaign are delivered directly to the beneficiary. Please be as specific as possible. -CALWOF is already in contact with Jake and his family and have already made funds available to help in this time of need.