Donation protected
With your help, we'll inform thousands of people of what independent craft truly is, using Karbach's sellout as a beacon.
We're raising funds to pay for an aerial banner to fly around Houston saying, "KARBACH AINT CRAFT" on 9/16/2017, the date of Index Fest (formerly Untapped Festival).
We set the goal to fly the banner for as long as possible and print up a bunch of flyers. If we generate more, we'll fly longer/again and donate $ to vets. If we can't, you get your money back, and we try again another time.
More details below
Index Fest is right around the corner, and there will be 75 breweries out there.
12 of them are posing as craft. Namely, the one that got first billing, Karbach.
An event of this scale will have lots of people that have no idea about what “craft” really means.
Many of them probably don’t know how selling out hurts the independent ones we support.
So what are we to do? Buy independent only, right?
But what if we could do more?
Run a GI-GAN-TIC ad telling people about the distinction and more importantly why it matters?
(The underdogs buying ingredients one batch at a time and asking for volunteer help from their friends and family just to get their breweries up and running.)
We’ve worked out a 3 step, large scale plan to do it, and we need YOU!
Here’s where your $ is going when you help out:
• $1500 for aerial advertising by way of airplane - Big beer, big bird
• $500 for a guerrilla campaign on the ground - printing flyers
• $0 for the digital campaign
If everybody that visits our blog gave just ONE DOLLAR, we’d be able to make this happen 10 times over.
If we beat our goal, we’ll give 10% of the extra money to Camp Hope (interim housing for veterans and their families suffering from combat related PTSD), and we’ll put the rest back into doing this again or more air time the day of, if we can pull it off fast enough!

If we totally crush our goal, we'll give to Camp Hope AND back to our biggest contributors:
$100 level - BA RIS - Limited We Love Houston Beer Teku glass and koozie + TREASON shirt
$75 level - DIPA - We Love Houston Beer shirt and koozie + TREASON shirt
$50 level - SAISON - We Love Houston Beer pint glass and koozie
We can only do this if we crush the goal, though. Priority #1 is getting the Big Bird in the sky.

The breweries in town want nothing more than to educate consumers, and we can help them do that. When the breweries win, we all win, AMIRIGHT!?
So if you love Houston, craft, and the crossroads that make the two awesome, hit the Donate Now button, and partner with us to inform everybody out there! Beers to you, Houston!
P.S. We’ll keep your name completely anonymous if you prefer. Ask anybody that we’ve met with, when they ask to keep it off the record, we do. Even when we don’t want to! Haha!
P.S.S. Contact us at beerchronicle.com for how you can be a part of the geurilla campaign or donate swag to give to our donors like @eyefearnobear did.
We're raising funds to pay for an aerial banner to fly around Houston saying, "KARBACH AINT CRAFT" on 9/16/2017, the date of Index Fest (formerly Untapped Festival).
We set the goal to fly the banner for as long as possible and print up a bunch of flyers. If we generate more, we'll fly longer/again and donate $ to vets. If we can't, you get your money back, and we try again another time.
More details below
Index Fest is right around the corner, and there will be 75 breweries out there.
12 of them are posing as craft. Namely, the one that got first billing, Karbach.
An event of this scale will have lots of people that have no idea about what “craft” really means.
Many of them probably don’t know how selling out hurts the independent ones we support.
So what are we to do? Buy independent only, right?
But what if we could do more?
Run a GI-GAN-TIC ad telling people about the distinction and more importantly why it matters?
(The underdogs buying ingredients one batch at a time and asking for volunteer help from their friends and family just to get their breweries up and running.)
We’ve worked out a 3 step, large scale plan to do it, and we need YOU!
Here’s where your $ is going when you help out:
• $1500 for aerial advertising by way of airplane - Big beer, big bird
• $500 for a guerrilla campaign on the ground - printing flyers
• $0 for the digital campaign
If everybody that visits our blog gave just ONE DOLLAR, we’d be able to make this happen 10 times over.
If we beat our goal, we’ll give 10% of the extra money to Camp Hope (interim housing for veterans and their families suffering from combat related PTSD), and we’ll put the rest back into doing this again or more air time the day of, if we can pull it off fast enough!

If we totally crush our goal, we'll give to Camp Hope AND back to our biggest contributors:
$100 level - BA RIS - Limited We Love Houston Beer Teku glass and koozie + TREASON shirt
$75 level - DIPA - We Love Houston Beer shirt and koozie + TREASON shirt
$50 level - SAISON - We Love Houston Beer pint glass and koozie
We can only do this if we crush the goal, though. Priority #1 is getting the Big Bird in the sky.

The breweries in town want nothing more than to educate consumers, and we can help them do that. When the breweries win, we all win, AMIRIGHT!?
So if you love Houston, craft, and the crossroads that make the two awesome, hit the Donate Now button, and partner with us to inform everybody out there! Beers to you, Houston!
P.S. We’ll keep your name completely anonymous if you prefer. Ask anybody that we’ve met with, when they ask to keep it off the record, we do. Even when we don’t want to! Haha!
P.S.S. Contact us at beerchronicle.com for how you can be a part of the geurilla campaign or donate swag to give to our donors like @eyefearnobear did.
BeerChronicle .com
Westfield, TX