
Operation fur schwerkranke Mia
Donation protected
Cazin ist ein Ort in Bosnien und Herzegowina, der vor 25 Jahren schwer vom Krieg betroffen wurde. In diesem kleinen Ort erlebte die Familie Mujadžić am 23. August 2016 eine schwere Tragödie. An diesem Tag wurde ihre kleine Tochter Mia geboren, aber wegen einem medizinischen Behandlungsfehler kam sie schwerbehindert (100 Prozent) zur Welt, was für die Familie ein unerwarteter Schock war. Für die Familie Mujadžić brach an diesem Tag die Welt zusammen. Das junge Ehepaar freute sich sehr auf ihr drittes Kind. Die Schwangerschaft verlief in bester Ordnung. Die junge Frau besuchte regelmäßig ihren Frauenarzt und alle erforderlichen Untersuchungen wurden durchgeführt, um sowohl das Kind als auch die Mutter zu schützen. Aber es kam zu schweren Komplikationen am Tag der Geburt im Krankenhaus in Bihać. Der Mutter wurde nämlich eine AMPICILLIN –Spritze gegeben und dies führte zu einer anaphylaktischen Reaktion (Schock). Der Frau wurde eine Anti-Schocktherapie erteilt und in diesem Kampf um ihr Leben brachte sie ihr Kind zur Welt. Das Baby erlebte das alles mit der Mutter mit und es war lange ohne Sauerstoff, sodass es letztendlich in einem sehr schweren klinischen Zustand zur Welt kam. Das Neugeborene war wegen des Sauerstoffmangels eher tot als lebendig. Es wurde dringend ins Krankenhaus in Banja Luka gebracht, wo der Kampf um ihr Leben begann. Sie war eigentlich klinisch tot, denn es kam zur hypoxisch-ischämischen Enzephalopathie bzw. einer sehr schweren Schädigung des Gehirns durch einen Sauerstoff- und Durchblutungsmangel. Dieses Baby, die kleine Mia, vegetiert zurzeit einfach dahin. Ihr Herzlein liegt in dieser physischen Invalidität gefangen und somit kann sie die Welt um sich herum nicht wahrnehmen und reagiert auf gar nichts, d.h. ihre einsame Welt ist ihr Bett oder das Krankenhaus. Das Gesundheitspersonal, dem dieser schreckliche Behandlungsfehler untergangen war, wurde in keinem Sinne zur Verantwortung gestellt, da Bosnien und Herzegowina ein korrumpiertes, anarchisches Land ist, wo nur der Reiche und der Starke die Macht besitzen. Das hiesige Gesundheitswesen hat seine Mitarbeiter vor möglichen Bestrafungen und Verantwortungen beschützt, wobei die kleine Mia und ihre Eltern schutzlos und alleine dageblieben sind, um sich auf sich allein zu verlassen und irgendwie Mias Leben zu retten. Mia war schon mehrmals klinisch tot, aber die unermessliche Liebe und Aufopferung ihrer Eltern haben sie immer wieder zurück ins Leben gebracht. Die Eltern werden nicht die Hoffnung aufgeben, obwohl sie von allen im Stich gelassen worden sind. Alles was sie im Besitz hatten, haben sie verkauft, um Mia pflegen und ernähren zu können. Mia muss durch eine Sonde gefüttert werden und so eine Sondennahrung ist recht teuer. Man benötigt für sie besondere Medikamente und Nahrung, was sich die Familie nicht leisten kann. Es gibt einen Ausweg für Mia, und zwar eine Operation im Ausland, die 50 000Euro kostet. Das ist für die Familie jetzt nur eine kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer und etwas wovon sie nur träumen können, aber immerhin eine Lösung für die Zukunft. Mias Eltern sind arbeitslos, aber kümmern sich darum rund um die Uhr um ihre kleine Tochter. So können die Eltern aber nicht mehr weitermachen ohne Ihre Hilfe! Dies könnte jedem passieren, so ein schreckliches Schicksal. Man weiß ja nie, was der nächste Tag mit sich bringt! Wenn Sie in der Lage sind, ein bisschen Geld zu spenden, damit die Familie Nahrung für die kleine Mia kaufen kann, wäre das eine Riesenhilfe! Es kommt nicht auf die Summe an, sondern auf die Bereitschaft zu helfen, da die Eltern verzweifelt sind. Sie können die Spende auch direkt zur Familie bringen oder schicken. Sie können die Familie auch selbst kontaktieren, um eine bessere Einsicht in die Situation zu gewinnen. Wenn jemand vielleicht einen Job in Deutschland für den Mann hätte, damit sie dann von dem Verdienst ihre Tochter langfristig betreuen können, kann sich auch ruhig melden. Jede Art von Hilfe ist wilkommen! Die Familie ist Ihnen im Voraus schon sehr, sehr dankbar! Danke allen Leuten, die ein großes Herz haben und bereit sind einen Beitrag zu Mias Wohlbefinden und Glück zu leisten.
Cazin is a place in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was really damaged in the war 25 years ago. The Mujadžić family experienced a serious tragedy in this small town on the 23rd of August, 2016. That day, their baby daughter Mia was born, but due to a medical error, she was born severely disabled (100 percent), which was an unexpected shock to the family. For the Mujadžić family, the world collapsed on them this day. The young couple was looking forward to their third child. The pregnancy was in perfect order. The young woman regularly visited her gynecologist and all necessary examinations were performed to protect both the child and the mother. But there were serious complications on the day of birth at the hospital in Bihać. The mother was given an AMPICILLIN injection and this resulted in an anaphylactic reaction (shock). The woman was given an anti-shock therapy and in this fight for her life she gave birth to her child. The baby experienced it all with the mother and it was long without oxygen, so it was finally born in a very severe clinical condition. The newborn was more dead than alive because of the lack of oxygen. It was urgently brought to the hospital in Banja Luka, where the struggle for her life began. Mia was actually clinically dead because she got a hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or a very serious damage to the brain by an oxygen and circulation deficiency. This baby, little Mia, is currently vegetating. Her heart is trapped in this physical disability, and thus she can not perceive the world around her and does not respond to anything, i.e. her lonely world is her bed or the hospital. The health workers, who caused this terrible malpractice, were in no sense held responsible, since Bosnia and Herzegovina is a corrupt, anarchic country, where only the rich and the strong have power. The local health service has protected its employees from possible punishments and responsibilities, leaving little Mia and her parents vulnerable and alone in order to rely on themselves to somehow save Mia's life. Mia has been already several times clinically dead, but the immense love and sacrifice of her parents have brought her back to life over and over again. The parents will not give up hope, though they have been abandoned by everyone. Everything they owned was sold to nurse and feed Mia. Mia needs to be fed through a tube and such tube feeding is quite expensive. The parents need special medicine and food for her, which the family can not afford. There is a way out for Mia, an operation abroad that costs 50,000 euros. This is only a small glimmer of hope for the family and something they can only dream of, but nevertheless a solution for the future. Mia's parents are unemployed, but they take care of their little daughter around the clock. But the parents can not continue doing so without your help! This could happen to anyone, such a terrible fate. You never know what the next day may bring! If you are able to donate a bit of money so that the family can buy food for little Mia, that would be a huge help! It's not about the ammount of money, it's about the willingness to help, because the parents are desperate. You can also bring or send the donation directly to the family. You can also contact the family yourself for a better insight into the situation. If someone might have a job in Germany for the man, so they can then look after their daughter long-term, please feel free to contact us. Any kind of help is welcome! The family is very, very grateful to you in advance! Thank you to all people who have a big heart and are willing to contribute to Mia's well-being and happiness.
U malom mjestu Cazin u Bosni i Hercegovini,koje je rat opustošio prije 25 g. dana 23.08.2016.g dogodila se teška životna tragedija mladoj obitelji Mujadžić.Tog dana rođena je njihova kćerka Mia koja je liječničkom pogreškom ostala 100% invalid-za tu obitelj se tada srušio svijet. Mladi roditelji su se radovali dolasku svoga 3.djeteta. Majka je redovito išla na ginekološke preglede,trudnoća je bila mirna,sve je bilo u redu do dana poroda u bolnici u Bihaću.Majka je dobila injekciju AMPICILLIN poslije koje je se razvila anafilatična reakcija(šok), nakon čega je dobila antišok terapiju i u toj svojoj borbi za život majka je rodila. Beba je s majkom to sve proživjela,ostala bez kisika i rođena u teškom kliničkom stanju,više mrtva nego živa,hitno je prebačena u kliničko-bolnički centar u Banja Luci gdje je započela bitka za njen život. Naime, klinički je bila mrtva, teška hipoksična-ishemička encefalopatija s multiplim područjima.Ta beba, mala Mia i danas samo vegetira-njeno srce je zarobljeno u teškom tjelesnom invaliditetu,ona ne osjeća svijet oko sebe niti na bilo što reagira,njen svijet je krevet ili bolnica .Zdravstveni radnici koji su napravili ovu tešku pogrešku,nisu nizašto odgovarali jer je Bosna i Hercegovina duboko korumpirana anarhična država u kojoj vlada zakon bogatog i jakog.Zdravstvo je zaštitili svoje djelatnike od bilo kakve odgovornosti, a curica Mia i njeni roditelji su ostali da se sami bore za Mijin život.Mija je već nekoliko puta bila klinički mrtva, ali ljubav i požrtvovanost njenih roditelja ju je uvijek uspjela vratiti u život. Oni svoje dijete ne napuštaju bez obzira na to što su ih svi ostali napustili. Sve što su imali su rasprodali za hranu maloj Miji. Hrana je jako skupa jer se Maja mora hraniti kroz sondu. Obitelji su potrebni posebni lijekovi i hrana koju si naime ne mogu priuštiti. Za malu Miju postoji izlaz, a to je operacija u inozemstvu koja košta oko 50000 eura. Zasada je to za ovu obitelj samo tračak nade i nešto o čemu mogu samo sanjati,ali je ipak rješenje za budućnost. Da život bude teži, Mijini roditelji su nezaposleni, ali su zato 24 sata zaposleni njegujući svoju curicu. Oni ovako ne mogu nastaviti dalje bez Vaše pomoći. Sve ovo se može dogoditi svakomu od nas - ovakva strašna sudbina! Nitko od nas ne zna što nam donosi novi dan sa sobom. Tko je u mogućnosti da donira nešto novaca kako bi ova obitelj mogla kupiti hranu i lijekove za svoju kćer će uistinu biti od velike pomoći! Nije bitan iznos, nego Vaša spremnost da pomognete jer su roditelji već očajni i isprcpljeni. Možete Vaš dobrovoljnji prilog i sami toj obitelji odnijeti ili poslati. Možete ih i osobno kontaktirati da dobijete bolji uvid. Ako bi netko imao posao za supruga u Njemačkoj kako bi on s tom zaradom mogao dugoročno skrbiti o svojoj curici, neka se se slobodno javi! Svaka pomoć je dobrodošla! Ova obitelj Vam je unaprijed već neizmjerno zahvalna! Hvala svim ljudima s velikim srcem koji su spremni doprinjeti Mijinom blagostanju i sreće.
Cazin is a place in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was really damaged in the war 25 years ago. The Mujadžić family experienced a serious tragedy in this small town on the 23rd of August, 2016. That day, their baby daughter Mia was born, but due to a medical error, she was born severely disabled (100 percent), which was an unexpected shock to the family. For the Mujadžić family, the world collapsed on them this day. The young couple was looking forward to their third child. The pregnancy was in perfect order. The young woman regularly visited her gynecologist and all necessary examinations were performed to protect both the child and the mother. But there were serious complications on the day of birth at the hospital in Bihać. The mother was given an AMPICILLIN injection and this resulted in an anaphylactic reaction (shock). The woman was given an anti-shock therapy and in this fight for her life she gave birth to her child. The baby experienced it all with the mother and it was long without oxygen, so it was finally born in a very severe clinical condition. The newborn was more dead than alive because of the lack of oxygen. It was urgently brought to the hospital in Banja Luka, where the struggle for her life began. Mia was actually clinically dead because she got a hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy or a very serious damage to the brain by an oxygen and circulation deficiency. This baby, little Mia, is currently vegetating. Her heart is trapped in this physical disability, and thus she can not perceive the world around her and does not respond to anything, i.e. her lonely world is her bed or the hospital. The health workers, who caused this terrible malpractice, were in no sense held responsible, since Bosnia and Herzegovina is a corrupt, anarchic country, where only the rich and the strong have power. The local health service has protected its employees from possible punishments and responsibilities, leaving little Mia and her parents vulnerable and alone in order to rely on themselves to somehow save Mia's life. Mia has been already several times clinically dead, but the immense love and sacrifice of her parents have brought her back to life over and over again. The parents will not give up hope, though they have been abandoned by everyone. Everything they owned was sold to nurse and feed Mia. Mia needs to be fed through a tube and such tube feeding is quite expensive. The parents need special medicine and food for her, which the family can not afford. There is a way out for Mia, an operation abroad that costs 50,000 euros. This is only a small glimmer of hope for the family and something they can only dream of, but nevertheless a solution for the future. Mia's parents are unemployed, but they take care of their little daughter around the clock. But the parents can not continue doing so without your help! This could happen to anyone, such a terrible fate. You never know what the next day may bring! If you are able to donate a bit of money so that the family can buy food for little Mia, that would be a huge help! It's not about the ammount of money, it's about the willingness to help, because the parents are desperate. You can also bring or send the donation directly to the family. You can also contact the family yourself for a better insight into the situation. If someone might have a job in Germany for the man, so they can then look after their daughter long-term, please feel free to contact us. Any kind of help is welcome! The family is very, very grateful to you in advance! Thank you to all people who have a big heart and are willing to contribute to Mia's well-being and happiness.
U malom mjestu Cazin u Bosni i Hercegovini,koje je rat opustošio prije 25 g. dana 23.08.2016.g dogodila se teška životna tragedija mladoj obitelji Mujadžić.Tog dana rođena je njihova kćerka Mia koja je liječničkom pogreškom ostala 100% invalid-za tu obitelj se tada srušio svijet. Mladi roditelji su se radovali dolasku svoga 3.djeteta. Majka je redovito išla na ginekološke preglede,trudnoća je bila mirna,sve je bilo u redu do dana poroda u bolnici u Bihaću.Majka je dobila injekciju AMPICILLIN poslije koje je se razvila anafilatična reakcija(šok), nakon čega je dobila antišok terapiju i u toj svojoj borbi za život majka je rodila. Beba je s majkom to sve proživjela,ostala bez kisika i rođena u teškom kliničkom stanju,više mrtva nego živa,hitno je prebačena u kliničko-bolnički centar u Banja Luci gdje je započela bitka za njen život. Naime, klinički je bila mrtva, teška hipoksična-ishemička encefalopatija s multiplim područjima.Ta beba, mala Mia i danas samo vegetira-njeno srce je zarobljeno u teškom tjelesnom invaliditetu,ona ne osjeća svijet oko sebe niti na bilo što reagira,njen svijet je krevet ili bolnica .Zdravstveni radnici koji su napravili ovu tešku pogrešku,nisu nizašto odgovarali jer je Bosna i Hercegovina duboko korumpirana anarhična država u kojoj vlada zakon bogatog i jakog.Zdravstvo je zaštitili svoje djelatnike od bilo kakve odgovornosti, a curica Mia i njeni roditelji su ostali da se sami bore za Mijin život.Mija je već nekoliko puta bila klinički mrtva, ali ljubav i požrtvovanost njenih roditelja ju je uvijek uspjela vratiti u život. Oni svoje dijete ne napuštaju bez obzira na to što su ih svi ostali napustili. Sve što su imali su rasprodali za hranu maloj Miji. Hrana je jako skupa jer se Maja mora hraniti kroz sondu. Obitelji su potrebni posebni lijekovi i hrana koju si naime ne mogu priuštiti. Za malu Miju postoji izlaz, a to je operacija u inozemstvu koja košta oko 50000 eura. Zasada je to za ovu obitelj samo tračak nade i nešto o čemu mogu samo sanjati,ali je ipak rješenje za budućnost. Da život bude teži, Mijini roditelji su nezaposleni, ali su zato 24 sata zaposleni njegujući svoju curicu. Oni ovako ne mogu nastaviti dalje bez Vaše pomoći. Sve ovo se može dogoditi svakomu od nas - ovakva strašna sudbina! Nitko od nas ne zna što nam donosi novi dan sa sobom. Tko je u mogućnosti da donira nešto novaca kako bi ova obitelj mogla kupiti hranu i lijekove za svoju kćer će uistinu biti od velike pomoći! Nije bitan iznos, nego Vaša spremnost da pomognete jer su roditelji već očajni i isprcpljeni. Možete Vaš dobrovoljnji prilog i sami toj obitelji odnijeti ili poslati. Možete ih i osobno kontaktirati da dobijete bolji uvid. Ako bi netko imao posao za supruga u Njemačkoj kako bi on s tom zaradom mogao dugoročno skrbiti o svojoj curici, neka se se slobodno javi! Svaka pomoć je dobrodošla! Ova obitelj Vam je unaprijed već neizmjerno zahvalna! Hvala svim ljudima s velikim srcem koji su spremni doprinjeti Mijinom blagostanju i sreće.
Igor Schwindt
Greifensee, ZH