OPGS Strikes Back!
Help keep OPGS in the black! In September 2018, The City of Ottawa was hit by multiple tornadoes causing massive black outs across the city. Over 100,000+ people were without power for many days. Many people lost their homes. That very weekend OPGS 2018 was set up and ready to happen, but unfortunately power never returned. OPGS 2018, in it's silent glory, had to be torn down having never opened it's doors to the public.
"All of the funds will be used to reimburse those who put down some serious dollars to make the show happen. These people know how much they put in, and can make that public if they so choose, but I'll respect their privacy and leave that to them.
If by any miraculous chance the funds collected exceed the amount I'm indebted to those individuals, the remainder will be donated to a relief fund to those who lost their homes. I lost a years work, they lost a lifetime of heirlooms and sentimental items. I would never feel comfortable accepting charitable donations when others were affected in far more devastating ways. " ~ Josh
I've started this campaign with a $1000 goal, but will increase this amount if needed. Time to dig deep into your pockets and help out!