Save Oscar's Life, by Heavenly Paws
Darling little Oscar is just 8 weeks old. He was seeking warmth from the bitter cold and made the mistake of climbing into someone's car engine. After somehow managing to get free from the car's fan belt, he crawled to the porch of one of our Volunteers, crying in pain.
Oscar was taken to the Emergency Vet and it was determined that all four of his legs are severely broken - one leg cannot be saved and must be amputated. Unfortunately, Oscar also has a severe upper respitory infection (his eyes are crusted shut) and until he can actually breathe on his own, he cannot undergo the anesthesia for his legs to be operated on. So, Oscar is on pain medications in order to bide him some time and to keep him as comfortable as possible.
Heavenly Paws is in desperate need of funds - and prayers - to save this little kitten's life. Please, give what you can and share Oscar's story. Thank you.