Yaakov Klein's Music Project
Donation protected
"The Jewish person must, from time to time, make ladders with which to ascend to heaven. Music is one of those ladders."
- Rabbi Kloynimus Kalman Shapira, the Piacezner Rebbe hy"d
Hey there friends! My name is Yaakov Klein and I am the author of Sparks from Berditchov and the upcoming Sunlight of Redemption (Feldheim). My passion for writing began in middle-school, but when I discovered the teachings of the Ba'al Shem Tov and his students which completely changed my way of looking at Judaism and the world, my heart virtually exploded through the pen. In that short time, with the help of Hashem, I have written two full-length books, much of a third and fourth, countless essays, and three cycles of a weekly Torah message . In all of my writing, I have a single goal: to render the life-changing teachings of the Chassidic masters into clear, down to earth, and relatable English for our generation.

In addition to writing, I am blessed to be able to further this goal by teaching in various capacities. While living in Chicago, I taught for the Illinois Center for Jewish Studies where I had the privilege of learning one on one with many special Jews in addition to giving two weekly classes, one in Nefesh HaChaim and the other in Likutei Moharan. My wife and I now have the merit of living in Yerushalayim, the Holy City, where I give a weekly class in the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov which is broadcast by the Lighthouse Project on Facebook and other social media as well as teach a weekly class in Yeshivat Mivaseret Tzion where we mine the depths of Rebbe Nachman's famous stories.

But long before I discovered my passion for spreading positivity and depth in writing and speech, I had a first love: music! From a young age, I took to singing, playing, and composing music. My parents tell me that I would stand on the table at two years old and sing the Lubavitcher Rebbe's "Tzamah L'cha Nafshi" for family and friends. As a child, I was featured as a soloist on a few albums. I soon took to trying my hand at piano, drums, violin, and, finally, guitar.

Beginning at age 11, I began to compose original songs of various genres and styles. By age 13, I had enough songs for an album which my parents released in honor of my Bar Mitzvah. As I journeyed through my teen years and the ups and downs they inevitably bring, my soul continued to express herself in music. From the depths of my joy and pain, many wonderful songs were born. Today, I have composed well over 40 songs of different styles. Some are niggunim (wordless melodies), others are upbeat, while many have deep and beautiful English lyrics.
As I have shared these songs over the years with family and friends (a few have been released semi-professionally: Niggun Aish Kodesh , Silence So Loud, Niggun Tze'aka , Dreamer etc.) people would always say "You MUST share your music with the world!", "When are you coming out with an album?", "Who said you are allowed to keep this music for yourself?". I always shrugged them off - I am a writer and a teacher, not a recording artist. But in recent months it has become increasingly clear that it is not at all a contradiction. I have come to realize that my music is part and parcel of my general goal of spreading light, Torah depth, and positivity. On another level, the universality of music will, with Hashem's help, enable me to reach many thousands more Jews and introduce them to my books, articles, and shiurim.
It is all one campaign, it is all one mission.
Shortly after preparing to embark on this leg of my journey, Hashem arranged for me to meet Mendy Portnoy of the Portnoy Brothers, a brilliant musician, arranger, and producer. Together, we have put together two of many singles, an English song called "Journey" and a Hebrew song called "Nekudah Tovah".
The rest of the songs are all lined up and ready to be produced, but the cost of bringing this music to our holy nation is far beyond what I alone can afford. That is why I am reaching out to you, my sweet friends, and inviting you to partner with me in this holy endeavor. With your help, I will be able to work with Mendy and his team to put together the most unique, moving, fresh, fun, and elevating music as funds become available.
Song dedication in memory of a loved one: $3,000.
Donors of $3,000 or more will receive signed copies of my first two books, Sparks from Berditchov and Sunlight of Redemption.
Friends, any contribution, no matter how small, gets us closer to our goal. And remember - as part of a campaign to bring the depth of Torah to the world, this music will iy"H be a catalyst for tremendous spiritual growth and connection to the Master of the world. Even if you are not in a position to be able to contribute, you can still do your part by sharing this campaign with family and friends on social media!
Thank you for your time, and Tizkeh l'mitzvos!
Let's light up the world, together!

- Rabbi Kloynimus Kalman Shapira, the Piacezner Rebbe hy"d
Hey there friends! My name is Yaakov Klein and I am the author of Sparks from Berditchov and the upcoming Sunlight of Redemption (Feldheim). My passion for writing began in middle-school, but when I discovered the teachings of the Ba'al Shem Tov and his students which completely changed my way of looking at Judaism and the world, my heart virtually exploded through the pen. In that short time, with the help of Hashem, I have written two full-length books, much of a third and fourth, countless essays, and three cycles of a weekly Torah message . In all of my writing, I have a single goal: to render the life-changing teachings of the Chassidic masters into clear, down to earth, and relatable English for our generation.

In addition to writing, I am blessed to be able to further this goal by teaching in various capacities. While living in Chicago, I taught for the Illinois Center for Jewish Studies where I had the privilege of learning one on one with many special Jews in addition to giving two weekly classes, one in Nefesh HaChaim and the other in Likutei Moharan. My wife and I now have the merit of living in Yerushalayim, the Holy City, where I give a weekly class in the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov which is broadcast by the Lighthouse Project on Facebook and other social media as well as teach a weekly class in Yeshivat Mivaseret Tzion where we mine the depths of Rebbe Nachman's famous stories.

But long before I discovered my passion for spreading positivity and depth in writing and speech, I had a first love: music! From a young age, I took to singing, playing, and composing music. My parents tell me that I would stand on the table at two years old and sing the Lubavitcher Rebbe's "Tzamah L'cha Nafshi" for family and friends. As a child, I was featured as a soloist on a few albums. I soon took to trying my hand at piano, drums, violin, and, finally, guitar.

Beginning at age 11, I began to compose original songs of various genres and styles. By age 13, I had enough songs for an album which my parents released in honor of my Bar Mitzvah. As I journeyed through my teen years and the ups and downs they inevitably bring, my soul continued to express herself in music. From the depths of my joy and pain, many wonderful songs were born. Today, I have composed well over 40 songs of different styles. Some are niggunim (wordless melodies), others are upbeat, while many have deep and beautiful English lyrics.
As I have shared these songs over the years with family and friends (a few have been released semi-professionally: Niggun Aish Kodesh , Silence So Loud, Niggun Tze'aka , Dreamer etc.) people would always say "You MUST share your music with the world!", "When are you coming out with an album?", "Who said you are allowed to keep this music for yourself?". I always shrugged them off - I am a writer and a teacher, not a recording artist. But in recent months it has become increasingly clear that it is not at all a contradiction. I have come to realize that my music is part and parcel of my general goal of spreading light, Torah depth, and positivity. On another level, the universality of music will, with Hashem's help, enable me to reach many thousands more Jews and introduce them to my books, articles, and shiurim.
It is all one campaign, it is all one mission.
Shortly after preparing to embark on this leg of my journey, Hashem arranged for me to meet Mendy Portnoy of the Portnoy Brothers, a brilliant musician, arranger, and producer. Together, we have put together two of many singles, an English song called "Journey" and a Hebrew song called "Nekudah Tovah".
The rest of the songs are all lined up and ready to be produced, but the cost of bringing this music to our holy nation is far beyond what I alone can afford. That is why I am reaching out to you, my sweet friends, and inviting you to partner with me in this holy endeavor. With your help, I will be able to work with Mendy and his team to put together the most unique, moving, fresh, fun, and elevating music as funds become available.
Song dedication in memory of a loved one: $3,000.
Donors of $3,000 or more will receive signed copies of my first two books, Sparks from Berditchov and Sunlight of Redemption.
Friends, any contribution, no matter how small, gets us closer to our goal. And remember - as part of a campaign to bring the depth of Torah to the world, this music will iy"H be a catalyst for tremendous spiritual growth and connection to the Master of the world. Even if you are not in a position to be able to contribute, you can still do your part by sharing this campaign with family and friends on social media!
Thank you for your time, and Tizkeh l'mitzvos!
Let's light up the world, together!

Yaakov Klein
Chicago, IL