Paddy's Tractor Run
Paddy Duffy is going to drive his 1961 Massey Ferguson 35x from
Mizen Head to Malin Head in aid of Beaumont Cardiac Services & CR♥I
House, Cardiac Foundation, Galway.
Paddy lost his wife Kathleen to a hereditary heart condition in 2005 at
the age of 63.
Kathleen was diagnosed with HOCM & had an ICD fitted in Beaumont
in 2004.
Paddy's two daughters Sharon & Annemarie attend Beaumont on an
annual basis for check-ups due to the condition being hereditary.
In April 2018 Sharon was admitted to Letterkenny University Hospital with chest pains and after failing a stress test she was transferred to
Galway for an angiogram.
Sharon's husband Noel was present when they were told that she had
an 90% blockage in her left main coronary artery which required a stent but due to her age (41) they wanted to follow up with a CT angiogram
before committing her to lifelong medication.
This resulted in Sharon being admitted to Galway University Hospital.
Sharon’s husband Noel was given a number for CROI House by the staff nurse in the Cardiology Dept in Galway University Hospital and this
enabled him to be with Sharon for the full week she was in Galway University Hospital.
The family feel that these are two very worthy causes and due to the
excellent care Kathleen received from Beaumont Cardiac Unit and the wonderful facilities that is offered by CROI House to families who
unexpectedly find their loved ones admitted to hospital so far from
home they want to be able to give something back for the care they