Pancake needs your help
This sweet little kitten is "Pancake". She is a kitten rescued by Keeping Cats Homed Inc. in Summerside PEI.
Pancake came to us with a condition called Pectus Excavatum which is also known as flat chested kitten syndrome. With this condition, her chest is flat and because of the shape of her chest, her lungs were crowded and her heart displaced. Without some type of intervention her prognosis was not good. With the help of some veteran veterinarians, Dr. Dave and Dr Claudia Lister at New Perth Animal Hospital, a treatment was discovered that should help to open up the chest and allow for her organs to have more room. The procedure is to use a splint attached to the outside of her chest with sutures going inside of her chest and attaching to the sternum with hopes of bringing it down and coaxing the rib cage to change shape to allow for lots of room for those important organs. She had the procedure yesterday and is adjusting to this splint being attached to her but we are hopeful this will allow Pancake to have a long, healthy life.
This fundraising page was set up as several people have reached out asking how they can help. We have accumulated over $1000 in vet expenses so far for Pancake and expect there will be a few more before she is healthy and ready for adoption.
Any funds raised will go towards vet expenses for Pancake and other kittens like her.
Any donation would be so greatly appreciated.
More information about Keeping Cats Homed: Keeping Cats Homed is an all-volunteer based charity that rescues kittens and young cats that might otherwise have no one to care for them. The kittens and cats are placed in foster homes, where they are socialized and provided with proper nutrition and veterinary care to ensure that they are healthy and vaccinated before they are placed in forever, loving homes.
Lori Burnell
Summerside, PE
Keeping Cats Homed