Pat's Heart Surgery Fund
My wife, Pat Sullivan, suffered a heart attack on 12/5/2014. After 18 days of hospitalization at L&M Hospital (New London, CT) and at Yale-New Haven (New Haven, CT), she underwent double bypass surgery on 12/23/14 and was released six days later.
While Medicare covered her in-hospital bills, Medicaid has refused to pay the bills incurred by the medical professionals themselves, including the cardiac surgeon who saved her life. We have the option of filing an appeal, but the chances of Medicaid reversing their decision are slim.
Our financial situation is dire, with her fixed Social Security check being the main player. I myself am employed as a musician, but we all know that music is not considered by society to be "a real job." There is a lien on our home, we have no car at present, and what bills we have managed to pay have depleted our savings to almost nothing. With the total bills coming to a little over $75,000, we have no idea what we are going to do.
Your aid in this campaign means more than either of us can possibly put into words, especially when it comes to Pat, who worked all her life, paid her bills, and retired in May 2014, only to be stricken by a heart condition and the failure of the American Medicaid system.
It can be a little or a lot; the choice is totally up to you. Whatever contribution you make will be treasured, and I hope to be able to put together a card or thank you letter to each of you who feel moved to aid us in the most daunting obstacle of our 23 year and counting marriage.
Thank you so much!
Scott Mayfield & Pat Sullivan