Peter for Senate
Donation protected
Our political system needs to change!
First question to ask is do I have the life skills, knowledge and expertise to bring about the change if elected to a seat in the senate, YES.
I spent 26 years of my life in and out of prisons and institutions from the age of 9, I have also spent time in all the prisons in Western Australia as a prisoner and at my worst in 2001 I was selling 1.5 kilo of Methamphetamines a day as well as a whole heap of guns etc.
My life changed after a dramatic life changing encounter in 2002 and since then I have completely turned my life around. I studied 3 years at College obtaining an advanced diploma in Theology. In 2005 I became a volunteer prison chaplain three days a week at Acacia Prison for just on five years.
In 2010 I became a full time volunteer and have been for nearly the last 10 years. I started Shalom House by mistake in 2012 and now 6 years later it has 140 residents, plus 10 Married couples as well as their children, 70 plus staff and we are “100%” self funded and are regularly audited by Ernest Young.
I personally have completed the Australian Institute of company Directors course (GAICD) as well as two thirds of the WALGA Diploma with only three units left to go, I can achieve anything I put my hand to. I am also a serving councillor on a local shire in Perth.
I have been what you would call normal now for over 22 years, I no longer hold a criminal record.
What I have experienced over the last eight years across all three tiers of government is nothing short of disgusting. As a sitting Councillor, I am even less impressed.
I would like to run for Senate as an Independent in the next Federal election.
I thought I would start a “Go Fund Me page” to see if the everyday Aussie was feeling like I was, about our current Government and the way they don’t listen to the voice of the people, let alone have time for them. If you want to help me to make a difference, every dollar will help me run a better campaign and it would also mean I’m not doing it alone.
Please know it’s not the amount that is given that matters to me but the heart behind the person who gave it. I give you my word that I’ll give it my best.
I am so passionate about families being families, mums and dads in marriage for better or for worse, till death do them part. I’m passionate about parents being role models for our children to follow. I’m passionate about people taking responsibility for the choices they make. I’m also passionate about values that make society a safe place to live for the next generation to follow, not only to learn, grow and flourish but also to provide a safe community-oriented place for all of us to live and function in today.
I suspect the cost of the campaign will be about $250,000.00, but that’s nothing when it comes to the possibility of having honesty, transparency, accountability and integrity re-established back into the hallways of our parliament and nation, in our workplaces, schools and community. I know I am the man for the job, I learn by looking.
We need total reform across all levels of our government. We have written ourselves so deep into a corner where common sense has gone out the window and we are elevating the policies, procedures, rules, acts, guidelines and codes of conduct above human lives. Every person from every profession must follow the book or they are at risk of being prosecuted or charged.
My background for 39 years has been crime, prisons, drugs etc... so let’s take drug addicts for an example:
They see a doctor and tell the doctor the symptoms that they know a doctor needs to hear in order to get prescription for the drug that the addict is wanting. The doctor hearing the symptoms, is obliged to provide the prescription. We are feeding legal addiction and it’s not OK!
I am sick of seeing families suffer for the lack of genuineness and sincerity from politicians and other leaders of our day who are one thing in front of a camera and another when the media and cameras are not around. I have been astonished to witness this dishonesty on several occasions.
I want a Government that acts with transparency. One that treats all citizens equally.
I grew up among Aboriginal people and this is first and foremost Aboriginal country and I would like to take the time to acknowledge them as the traditional owners of this land.
It’s now also become white man’s home; it’s my home, it’s now also home to many other people from many countries across the globe. We are a multicultural nation that functions well in our diversity, while at the same time living and protecting our Australian values.
Admittedly, I am not everyone’s cup of tea; most people think in their minds what I say with my mouth. I am and always will be a straight shooter, I really don’t care if anyone likes me in any way shape or form, but I love people and families so, I tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear. Many people find me confronting.
Some of the items I wish to advocate for are:
1. Call out dishonesty, lies, deceit, manipulation, intimidation, and advocate for transparency, accountability and truth
2. Change in the funding model for not for profits, including setting up audit committees
3. Implementation of the cashless card
4. Rolling out of rehabilitation centres, including mandatory detox and education centres
5. Implement self-funded services for not for profit organisations while stimulating the economy
6. Look after pensioners at retirement age rather than getting them living on the bare minimum
7. Reduce the cost of living for all Australians
The reason I write the following is to be open, honest and transparent about my life, I have nothing to hide. I have spent 26 years of my life in and out of jails and institutions starting from the age of nine and HAD a criminal record longer than most. I've broken into houses, stolen cars, mugged many people, I've sold drugs and guns, had genital warts, gonorrhoea, crabs, herpes and more. Have I given it to others? Yes. Intentionally? No.
I've played doctors and nurses as a child, I've fondled another boy’s genitals growing up, I've also been sexually molested by a male as a child. I have slept with hundreds of prostitutes behind my wife's back as well as with many other women. For most of my life I've never paid taxes until I became a Christian.
I, Peter Lyndon-James, have done all of the above and more. If it's not on there I have probably done it.
All I can say is that if you are a victim of my life or my choices, if you are a victim of my selfishness and stupidity - I am sorry, I am so very, very sorry. I have no excuse for what I have done to you or to any other person, what I have done was and is wrong and I am 100% to blame, there is nothing I can say in my defence. Please, I ask that you would forgive me as I am genuinely sorry for my actions and wish I could change what I have done as well as the life I have lived, but I can't. All I can do is take ownership of my mistakes and try my best not to do it again.
That person is not me anymore, that old person is dead, that's the old me. Today I really care about people. Today I am trying my best to be the best me I can be. I care about people.
Again, I don't care if you or any person on the face of this planet likes me, not even the slightest. But I do care what God thinks of me.
I welcome any person to look over all of my life, including my finances and if there are areas in me or what I do that aren't done with honesty, integrity and transparency then help me see what I can't see to make the changes that I need to make. I am trying my best, please help me to try better.
Shalom House is funded by ex-addicts, let me tell you why. Many people who have never tried drugs don't understand why drugs are enjoyable, they can't stand the thought of it and can't comprehend why on earth people use them. I used drugs for 26 years and enjoyed them, I loved the highs they gave me and the good times I had when on them, life became exciting and they seemed to take away all my problems. I knew the consequences of using drugs as I had suffered them for years but i didn't seem to care, stuff the world I thought, I'm not hurting anyone. I knew the risks, Hep C, bad health, financial ruin, family break downs and a whole heap more, but I didn't care. I was having fun and they seemed to take away my problems, or so I thought.
Shalom House is 100% self-funded and does not receive any financial support from the government or other agencies. Currently we have 140 men in our facility across nine houses and growing every month because the need is so high. Within the next 6 months I will be at 200 or more.
Shalom charge each resident $300 per week for full board and not a cent more. Out of that, we have to pay the rents on 14 properties $14,000 per week, utilities on the nine properties, feed and transport 140 men plus pay the wages of 70 staff and much, much more.
I don't believe that society should have to pay to rehabilitate a drug user, it's not ok. They are the ones that had fun for many years getting stoned of their face, they are the ones that chose to use drugs, they should be the ones to pay for their rehabilitation, not the taxpayer or another individual.
There is not a program like Shalom House anywhere in Australia that is running like this and achieving the results we are, it's astounding, 100% self-funded and we get all our fellas off Centrelink within four to seven months and back into the working community being productive members of society.
Yes, we are a registered tax-deductible charity that has DGR status as well as a charitable collections Licence and if it weren't for a few generous people who have given to Shalom without being asked and of their own accord, we would be doing it a lot harder than we are. I never ask people for money but if they get prompted to give they receive a tax-deductible receipt and we make sure we use our funds wisely.
Shalom also has an external auditor, ‘Ernest & Young’ who goes over all our books twice per year to ensure we are using our funds wisely and that every dollar including our systems of operating are correct and all money is accounted for.
The reason I write this is that I would like to always be open and honest and transparent in all that I do. I welcome any individual or organization to look at our books and ask any questions with regards to myself or Shalom, Shalom Works or anything else that I may put my hand to and you will see that no flies can land on me, we are honest, accountable and transparent in all we do.
I don't believe it's OK for a person to willfully use drugs and have a lot of fun doing so and when the consequences of their actions catch up with them to think they can just rock up at a government or non-government organisation and expect the tax payer or another individual to pay for their rehabilitation, it's not OK. They’re the ones that got themselves into their mess so they should be the ones to get themselves out of it and in turn they learn in the process.
Myself and my team's efforts and the work done at Shalom House in restoring the lives of men and families in the community has been recognised on many platforms over the last few years some of these are:
* 2017 West Australian of the Year finalist, Community Category
* 2017 Australian of the Year finalist, local Hero Category
* 2018 Western Australian of the Year Winner and national finalist, Community Category
* 2017 WA Telstra Business Awards winner and national finalist, Charity Category
* 2018 Telstra Business Awards finalist in the Social Change Maker Category
A question that might be on the minds of many people is “How can I handle federal politics and run Shalom at the same time”
Shalom House is at the point where I can now step aside and do what I know in my heart that I am called to do. I have learned a great deal in the last eight years in running Shalom House, sitting on council, dealing with politicians from all parties and I know that we need change. Our political system needs serious reform. What I have experienced over the last 8 years with regards to Local, State and Federal Government is nothing short of disgusting, but due to many laws that are I place, again I am limited as to what I can say other than, we need change.
Again, I would like to run as an Independent Candidate for Senate in the next Federal election.
In closing - I am sure that we all agree that it's time for change. I am asking you to partner with me in making a difference on a national level. Together I believe we can actually make the changes required to the policies, procedures, rules, acts and guidelines that have written us into a corner. We have elevated these above human lives and it's not OK.
If you wish to get in touch, please email me at [email redacted].au OR visit www.peterlyndonjames.com.au
First question to ask is do I have the life skills, knowledge and expertise to bring about the change if elected to a seat in the senate, YES.
I spent 26 years of my life in and out of prisons and institutions from the age of 9, I have also spent time in all the prisons in Western Australia as a prisoner and at my worst in 2001 I was selling 1.5 kilo of Methamphetamines a day as well as a whole heap of guns etc.
My life changed after a dramatic life changing encounter in 2002 and since then I have completely turned my life around. I studied 3 years at College obtaining an advanced diploma in Theology. In 2005 I became a volunteer prison chaplain three days a week at Acacia Prison for just on five years.
In 2010 I became a full time volunteer and have been for nearly the last 10 years. I started Shalom House by mistake in 2012 and now 6 years later it has 140 residents, plus 10 Married couples as well as their children, 70 plus staff and we are “100%” self funded and are regularly audited by Ernest Young.
I personally have completed the Australian Institute of company Directors course (GAICD) as well as two thirds of the WALGA Diploma with only three units left to go, I can achieve anything I put my hand to. I am also a serving councillor on a local shire in Perth.
I have been what you would call normal now for over 22 years, I no longer hold a criminal record.
What I have experienced over the last eight years across all three tiers of government is nothing short of disgusting. As a sitting Councillor, I am even less impressed.
I would like to run for Senate as an Independent in the next Federal election.
I thought I would start a “Go Fund Me page” to see if the everyday Aussie was feeling like I was, about our current Government and the way they don’t listen to the voice of the people, let alone have time for them. If you want to help me to make a difference, every dollar will help me run a better campaign and it would also mean I’m not doing it alone.
Please know it’s not the amount that is given that matters to me but the heart behind the person who gave it. I give you my word that I’ll give it my best.
I am so passionate about families being families, mums and dads in marriage for better or for worse, till death do them part. I’m passionate about parents being role models for our children to follow. I’m passionate about people taking responsibility for the choices they make. I’m also passionate about values that make society a safe place to live for the next generation to follow, not only to learn, grow and flourish but also to provide a safe community-oriented place for all of us to live and function in today.
I suspect the cost of the campaign will be about $250,000.00, but that’s nothing when it comes to the possibility of having honesty, transparency, accountability and integrity re-established back into the hallways of our parliament and nation, in our workplaces, schools and community. I know I am the man for the job, I learn by looking.
We need total reform across all levels of our government. We have written ourselves so deep into a corner where common sense has gone out the window and we are elevating the policies, procedures, rules, acts, guidelines and codes of conduct above human lives. Every person from every profession must follow the book or they are at risk of being prosecuted or charged.
My background for 39 years has been crime, prisons, drugs etc... so let’s take drug addicts for an example:
They see a doctor and tell the doctor the symptoms that they know a doctor needs to hear in order to get prescription for the drug that the addict is wanting. The doctor hearing the symptoms, is obliged to provide the prescription. We are feeding legal addiction and it’s not OK!
I am sick of seeing families suffer for the lack of genuineness and sincerity from politicians and other leaders of our day who are one thing in front of a camera and another when the media and cameras are not around. I have been astonished to witness this dishonesty on several occasions.
I want a Government that acts with transparency. One that treats all citizens equally.
I grew up among Aboriginal people and this is first and foremost Aboriginal country and I would like to take the time to acknowledge them as the traditional owners of this land.
It’s now also become white man’s home; it’s my home, it’s now also home to many other people from many countries across the globe. We are a multicultural nation that functions well in our diversity, while at the same time living and protecting our Australian values.
Admittedly, I am not everyone’s cup of tea; most people think in their minds what I say with my mouth. I am and always will be a straight shooter, I really don’t care if anyone likes me in any way shape or form, but I love people and families so, I tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear. Many people find me confronting.
Some of the items I wish to advocate for are:
1. Call out dishonesty, lies, deceit, manipulation, intimidation, and advocate for transparency, accountability and truth
2. Change in the funding model for not for profits, including setting up audit committees
3. Implementation of the cashless card
4. Rolling out of rehabilitation centres, including mandatory detox and education centres
5. Implement self-funded services for not for profit organisations while stimulating the economy
6. Look after pensioners at retirement age rather than getting them living on the bare minimum
7. Reduce the cost of living for all Australians
The reason I write the following is to be open, honest and transparent about my life, I have nothing to hide. I have spent 26 years of my life in and out of jails and institutions starting from the age of nine and HAD a criminal record longer than most. I've broken into houses, stolen cars, mugged many people, I've sold drugs and guns, had genital warts, gonorrhoea, crabs, herpes and more. Have I given it to others? Yes. Intentionally? No.
I've played doctors and nurses as a child, I've fondled another boy’s genitals growing up, I've also been sexually molested by a male as a child. I have slept with hundreds of prostitutes behind my wife's back as well as with many other women. For most of my life I've never paid taxes until I became a Christian.
I, Peter Lyndon-James, have done all of the above and more. If it's not on there I have probably done it.
All I can say is that if you are a victim of my life or my choices, if you are a victim of my selfishness and stupidity - I am sorry, I am so very, very sorry. I have no excuse for what I have done to you or to any other person, what I have done was and is wrong and I am 100% to blame, there is nothing I can say in my defence. Please, I ask that you would forgive me as I am genuinely sorry for my actions and wish I could change what I have done as well as the life I have lived, but I can't. All I can do is take ownership of my mistakes and try my best not to do it again.
That person is not me anymore, that old person is dead, that's the old me. Today I really care about people. Today I am trying my best to be the best me I can be. I care about people.
Again, I don't care if you or any person on the face of this planet likes me, not even the slightest. But I do care what God thinks of me.
I welcome any person to look over all of my life, including my finances and if there are areas in me or what I do that aren't done with honesty, integrity and transparency then help me see what I can't see to make the changes that I need to make. I am trying my best, please help me to try better.
Shalom House is funded by ex-addicts, let me tell you why. Many people who have never tried drugs don't understand why drugs are enjoyable, they can't stand the thought of it and can't comprehend why on earth people use them. I used drugs for 26 years and enjoyed them, I loved the highs they gave me and the good times I had when on them, life became exciting and they seemed to take away all my problems. I knew the consequences of using drugs as I had suffered them for years but i didn't seem to care, stuff the world I thought, I'm not hurting anyone. I knew the risks, Hep C, bad health, financial ruin, family break downs and a whole heap more, but I didn't care. I was having fun and they seemed to take away my problems, or so I thought.
Shalom House is 100% self-funded and does not receive any financial support from the government or other agencies. Currently we have 140 men in our facility across nine houses and growing every month because the need is so high. Within the next 6 months I will be at 200 or more.
Shalom charge each resident $300 per week for full board and not a cent more. Out of that, we have to pay the rents on 14 properties $14,000 per week, utilities on the nine properties, feed and transport 140 men plus pay the wages of 70 staff and much, much more.
I don't believe that society should have to pay to rehabilitate a drug user, it's not ok. They are the ones that had fun for many years getting stoned of their face, they are the ones that chose to use drugs, they should be the ones to pay for their rehabilitation, not the taxpayer or another individual.
There is not a program like Shalom House anywhere in Australia that is running like this and achieving the results we are, it's astounding, 100% self-funded and we get all our fellas off Centrelink within four to seven months and back into the working community being productive members of society.
Yes, we are a registered tax-deductible charity that has DGR status as well as a charitable collections Licence and if it weren't for a few generous people who have given to Shalom without being asked and of their own accord, we would be doing it a lot harder than we are. I never ask people for money but if they get prompted to give they receive a tax-deductible receipt and we make sure we use our funds wisely.
Shalom also has an external auditor, ‘Ernest & Young’ who goes over all our books twice per year to ensure we are using our funds wisely and that every dollar including our systems of operating are correct and all money is accounted for.
The reason I write this is that I would like to always be open and honest and transparent in all that I do. I welcome any individual or organization to look at our books and ask any questions with regards to myself or Shalom, Shalom Works or anything else that I may put my hand to and you will see that no flies can land on me, we are honest, accountable and transparent in all we do.
I don't believe it's OK for a person to willfully use drugs and have a lot of fun doing so and when the consequences of their actions catch up with them to think they can just rock up at a government or non-government organisation and expect the tax payer or another individual to pay for their rehabilitation, it's not OK. They’re the ones that got themselves into their mess so they should be the ones to get themselves out of it and in turn they learn in the process.
Myself and my team's efforts and the work done at Shalom House in restoring the lives of men and families in the community has been recognised on many platforms over the last few years some of these are:
* 2017 West Australian of the Year finalist, Community Category
* 2017 Australian of the Year finalist, local Hero Category
* 2018 Western Australian of the Year Winner and national finalist, Community Category
* 2017 WA Telstra Business Awards winner and national finalist, Charity Category
* 2018 Telstra Business Awards finalist in the Social Change Maker Category
A question that might be on the minds of many people is “How can I handle federal politics and run Shalom at the same time”
Shalom House is at the point where I can now step aside and do what I know in my heart that I am called to do. I have learned a great deal in the last eight years in running Shalom House, sitting on council, dealing with politicians from all parties and I know that we need change. Our political system needs serious reform. What I have experienced over the last 8 years with regards to Local, State and Federal Government is nothing short of disgusting, but due to many laws that are I place, again I am limited as to what I can say other than, we need change.
Again, I would like to run as an Independent Candidate for Senate in the next Federal election.
In closing - I am sure that we all agree that it's time for change. I am asking you to partner with me in making a difference on a national level. Together I believe we can actually make the changes required to the policies, procedures, rules, acts and guidelines that have written us into a corner. We have elevated these above human lives and it's not OK.
If you wish to get in touch, please email me at [email redacted].au OR visit www.peterlyndonjames.com.au
Peter Lyndon-James
Henley Brook, WA