Petra Landers - Equal Playing Field
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For All, all. If not, claim it!
The playing field is not equal.
In June, female soccer players from around the world will gather in Tanzania to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro and play the highest elevation soccer match ever played, which will go down in the Guinness Book of World Records. They seek more than glory; they seek an “Equal Playing Field”. After reaching the summit, we will descend to 5785 meters and play the world’s highest ever game of competitive football. Together, we will raise awareness of the gender inequality that permeates sports worldwide. Playing a football match at this altitude has never been done before.
Your donations will not only help cover general costs but I will also be supporting Petra Landers and a clinic she is supporting in Zambia. Petra has already broken a record - she played for the first ever German National women's team - now she's joining the Equal Playing Field team to break another!
She discovered soccer with the age of six years. She played soccer on the streets and fields with the boys in the neighbourhood. Looking back she realise that everything she did was a bit unusual for girls or women. She learnt crafts in the school with the boys instead of sewing with the girls, she played soccer with the boys instead doing gymnastic with the girls. Later on she did vocational training as motor mechanic.
But even in Germany, it wasn’t socially acceptable for women to play for a very long time. The German Football Association banned girls and women’s soccer until 1970. Even Petra's own boss tried to stop her from representing Germany in the European Championships in 1989. She tried to take holiday to play — but her boss blocked her request. But she went and it was the first time the German national women’s team won the European Cup. Their price - a coffee set.
Petra believes that there are no boundaries and nothing can stop you to achieve your goals. It's not just about breaking a world record, it's about inspiration, not losing trust in yourself. We will show people that for us as women nothing is impossible!
After descending from the mountain, Equal Playing Field will deliver a week of football training clinics through vetted local partner charities that focus on sports development, education, health and women’s equality – in several countries simultaneously. Zambia is one of them. These clinics are designed to bring together multiple themes and tangibly impact thousands. Young girls get to work with adult teams, and social clubs with competitive ones, which gives both groups not only role models, but a vision of progression as a player and reinforcement of being a lifelong athlete.
In order to complete this challenge, we need your help! Donations will be covering the costs of actually getting us up the mountain, we will need to pay people who help us along the way and to officiate the game in order to achieve an official world record. We have quite a large support crew including medics, porters, film crew, refs, and general helpers. You will be helping us make all this possible, be a part of our world record.
Funds will also be donated to the Equal Playing Field campaign to continue raising awareness and to fund the running of the training clinics.
For more information please visit:
You can follow our journey here:
Anything you can give is greatly appreciated. Every coint will help! With your help we can level the playing field.
Thank you,
Help spread the word!
Am 18. Juni 2017 werden 2 Frauenfußballteams aus aller Welt versuchen, es mit einer einmaligen Aktion ins Guinness Buch der Rekorde zu schaffen. Sie werden den Kilimandscharo besteigen, um auf 5730 m Höhe das höchste jemals ausgetragene FIFA Regelspiel zu bestreiten. Damit wollen sie sowohl auf sportlicher Ebene als auch ganz allgemein Chancengleichheit und Respekt für Mädchen und Frauen weltweit fördern, und die Entwicklung des Frauensports besonders in benachteiligten Regionen der Welt vorantreiben.
Altitude Football soll – genau zwei Jahre vor der nächsten Frauenfußball-Weltmeisterschaft – im Zuge der wachsenden Dynamik im Frauenfußball eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in vielen Ländern anstoßen und zielt darauf, Tausende von Mädchen und Frauen durch seine Trainingscamps, Medienkampagnen und seine Netzwerkplattform zu fördern.
Im Anschluss werden in über zehn Ländern einwöchige Fußball-Trainingscamps für Mädchen und Frauen stattfinden, veranstaltet von ausgewählten sportlichen Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen. Eines dieser Trainings wird in Zambia organisiert, wo unter anderem Petra Landers - ehemalige deutsche Nationalspielerin - Training geben wird.
Eure Spende wird nicht nur das Equal Playing Field Projekt unterstützen sondern auch Petra Landers Bergbesteigung und den Fußballworkshop in Zambia. Aufgewachsen in Bochum begann Petra mit 6 Jahren Fußball zu spielen. Für sie stand Fußball immer an erster Stelle. Für ihre Ziele musste sie immer hart kämpfen. Zurückblickend weiß sie, dass sie mit ihrem Weg einen großen Beitrag geleistet hat, Frauenfußball einen gesellschaftlichen Stellenwert zu geben. Für viele war das unvorstellbar.
Ihr Leben ist Fußball, ihre Leidenschaft, ihr Lebensgefühl. Unterstützt sie bei diesem großartigen Projekt. Das Spiel auf dem Berg wird ihre definitiv letztes Spiel als Spielerin sein.
Jede noch so kleine Unterstützung wird uns den Weg auf den Berg ebnen.
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Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung!
Dana Rösiger
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg