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Personal Stories of Cancer's Impact

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In late 2017 Jennifer took a huge leap of faith by moving out of her apartment, putting everything she owned into a storage unit and converting her Jeep into a mobile adventure home.
She and her dog Monty (pictured) set out to meet people impacted by cancer. A risky decision that required giving up a successful career as a photographer in Vermont. {Photo by C.T. Bell}

Why, you might ask?

At the time it was for the opportunity to see what might come of her life if she did the work that made her heart sing. Jennifer loves the power of stories and how a personal experience shared could help another endure their own challenges. After all, it was the story of Larissa and other women she met while working with BCRF that helped her reconnect with the person her younger self wished she’d become.

Having an extensive amount of experience traveling solo internationally and extremely passionate about taking the path less traveled (literally), she had what it took to take on the challenges the trip would require. Furthermore, it had been her job for over a decade to listen and capture the stories of other people.

What she did not expect was how a 4x4 “road trip” around the country and the people she would meet would re-shape her life. How the road actually disappearing on more than one occasion would be the lesson of a lifetime. The words of those she connected with coaching her through each situation and helping her see the new journey ahead.

When The Road Disappears eBook Download


  • Anthony DeStefano
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Jennifer Langille
Stowe, VT

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