Please help my niece, Kadence.
I'm Tiffany. My five year old niece, Kadence, was the victim of a dog attack earlier today. The dogs that attacked her were family pets and have never shown signs of aggression before. Unfortunately, that changed today. We don't know why they attacked, but Kadence walked out the back door and was attacked by dogs she loved and trusted. All dogs have been euthanized, but poor Kadence has been life flighted to Scottish Rite and is in plastic surgery now. Her head, face, and ear seemed to get the most of the attack. My brother in law, Andy, is the sole provider for the family and will obviously be missing work as we don't know how long this road to recovery will take. My sister, Jessica, is a stay at home mother. Any and all help and prayers are appreciated. Kadence is a beautiful, sassy little girl full of life and she is a fighter. But right now, she needs all the help she can get. Any and all funds donated will go to medical treatment as well as every day living expenses for the family while they stay by her side during recovery. They also have two other children...Landon is 9 and Kaegan is 13. Thank you in advance. I will post updates periodically.