Power to the Polls - Minnesota
Join Women's March Minnesota and Women's March for Power to the Polls!
Minnesota is going to retain its title as the TOP STATE to GET OUT THE VOTE again in 2018, and we are
going to protect our progressive values, increase voter registration, build community, and ACTIVATE
We are working with a growing collaboration of MN organizations because we know that this year
Minnesota voters are going to say ENOUGH to anyone who is anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQIA+ rights,
anti-worker’s rights, anti-immigrant, anti-equity and anti-voter rights. We are going to remind our
legislators that they work for us, and that a woman's body is not a political agenda.
We are all working together to get this done. YOU are needed!
We will continue to amplify the voices of our State's most marginalized communities to make change all the way to the November election.
Your donation will support our 45 day Power to the Polls Campaign by:
*We are directly supporting groups that are working to GOTV work materially with mini-grants and resources
*We are launching a cross-community shared calendar that educates, inspires and informs voters about
ballot issues, the importance of voting
*We will feature Minnesota women leaders and why they vote every day for 45 days!
*We are activating peoplepower to GOTV by inviting YOU to pledge to vote, activate your friends, family, and co-workers
*We are inviting you to join the boots on the ground groups with opportunities to show up to volunteer for our partner organizations
*Providing transportation funding to communities throughout greater Minnesota - shuttles for community elders to vote early, eliminating barriers to day-of-voting by providing rides, and supporting community
GOTV gatherings in locations across MN!
Please help us make this all possible with your donation!
Important Dates to Remember:
September 21, 2018- The first day you can vote EARLY for the 2018 Midterm Election
November 6, 2018 - MIDTERM ELECTION DAY
Join us for daily announcements, opportunities to help GOTV and participate in Power to the Polls at our website: WomensMarchMN.com.
To join us as a P2P volunteer, and help put MN GOTV into action fill out this form.