Prayers for Kaizler
PLEASE READ! Hello Everyone, thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. Your outpouring of love and support is astonishing to say the least. God has blessed us immensely through this and we are forever grateful. I'm sorry for the delayed updates, I'm working a lot to ensure that you're donations aren't for nothing! All our little hooligans are growing fast and eating like little trash compactors! Kaizler is doing great! He recently had the flu, which turned into pneumonia, but we're finally almost over it! Just a few more clinics, and Kaizler gets to take his last dose of chemo (God willing that there isnt a relapse).
Unfortunately, our little friend Finn lost his fight recently. He fought hard and was a phenomenal example of perseverance and God's love.
Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. It has helped us so much as we continue our fight! Thank you so much and God Bless!