On June 10th 2015 my husband whom had an exparte filed on him by me, entered my home carrying a 12 guage shotgun and opened up my bedroom door raised the gun took aim, fired and shot my friend Carrissa. We escaped out the window of my room. She ran to the privacy fence climbed over and dropped down and died. I ran to the fence and was shot multiple times the worst when I was at the top of the fence and getting ready to drop down. He shot me close range in the abdomen with bird shot. I was blown apart. I crab crawled to the neighbors back door holding my guts in and banged my head on the door. They pulled me in and I am alive still. My 17 year old witnessed all of this. He was unharmed physically. I was in a coma for 2 months and on ventilator . I coded several times recieved dialysis and shouldn't be alive. I lost 3 toes some intestines and some of my liver too. I have a massive scar on my tummy. I struggle everyday. I filed for disability and it is on hold ... I am unable to hold a job right now and need help bad. I have 4 children 2/are with their father from a previous marriage. I lost housing and my ability to work. I have tried to get on my feet myself. I keep having set backs and have to return to the hospital for reoccuring abscesses caused by the shrapnel in my body. I need help establishing my self again ...anything would help ...thank you in advance...Krissy