Primary school in Rohingya camp
This project is to raise money for building a primary school in Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp, Cox's bazar, Bangladesh.
Many Rohingya refugees lost their family members and they themselves were tortured or sexually abused in their home country, Myanmar. Some children saw their parents were killed in front of them or even they themselves were injured.
In spite of their plight, people are helping each other in a camp and trying not to lose their hope for their future. Many children miss studying and many teachers miss teaching. However, there is not enough schools and materials in a camp.
Photo* "My mother’s throat was slit in front of me. I'm 5 or 6 years old, I think."
I will send all the donations to Aung Tin who is a leader of Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ). I visited his primary school in Kutupalong camp with him in January and there were around 400 children (the class room was totally packed) learning English, Burmese and Rohingya language. However, there are still some more children who cannot study, so he decided to build another school. 100%of the donations will be used to build a school, well, toilet, learning materials, and incentives for teachers.
Photo* Aung Tin build his first school in October at his own expenses.
video: Aung Tin's school in a camp
Education is a key for peace-building. Many Rohingyas (especially women) are illiterate because their right to study was restricted in Myanmar. I believe that giving an opportunity to study for children means giving them hope for their future.
I would really appreciate any amount of money and thank you for reading this!
After we complete building a school with your support, I will keep you updated here.
Photo* Aung Tin and children in a school
*Aung Tin spent around 7500$ (=60000NOK, 6000EUR or 80万円) to build his first school at his own expenses but I just set a minimum target goal.
For reference, 100kr is about US$13 or ¥1400.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
国際開発学専攻 阿比留 望 (Nozomi Abiru)