Princess Alethea's Birthday Camera Fund
I would love to have a new camera for my birthday! The topmost reasons are: 1.) Because I am going Stormchasing again this May! and 2.) So I can reliably record Princess Alethea's Traveling Sideshow at DragonCon. Every year I have such anxiety over obtaining this one thing--the recordings from 2018 were extremely difficult to convert. The recording from 2017 was completely lost altogether.
This year is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the Sideshow, so it's really important!!!
I'm still doing research on exactly what model of camera I want (Nikon, DSLR, 1080p for sure) and what sort of lenses (UV, telephoto, etc). I have a tripod, but I'll also need a microphone (or two?). This is why I've set my goal so high...I'm not 100% sure exactly how much all this is going to cost!