Professor Mark McIntire Legal Fund
Donation protected
“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”
--- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Please help Santa Barbara City College philosophy professor Mark McIntire defray his legal expenses incurred defending Dr. Michael Shermer author of: HEAVENS ON EARTH: The Scientific Search for the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia , against defamation and "bullying" claims by Dr. Raeanne Napoleon and Dr. Danielle Swionteck . Here's the Santa Barbara News Press Editorial supportive of Professor McIntire and explaining the levels of his case:
Editorials : SANTA BARBARA NEWS PRESS Guest Opinion: The progressive decline of SBCC
By Andy Caldwell June 28, 2018 7:15 AM
Santa Barbara City College has three things going for it — namely, location, location, location. Other than that, it has become an official wasteland, an intellectual ghetto devoid of constructive dialogue and meaningful debate. That is, the college has finally rid itself of its one token conservative professor, making the transition to an ideologically uniform-social-justice-warrior boot camp complete. To wit, the college has bid adieu and good riddance to one Professor Mark McIntire.
Mr. McIntire initially figured something was amiss when, after having taught at the college for over 20 years, he got a call from the administration. They couldn't find his teaching credential. Of course, they didn't bother to inform him why they were looking for it in the first place, since he had to initially provide it to be hired. Nonetheless, they informed him he could no longer teach without it. As it turns out, Mr. McIntire was able to reproduce the credential in short order.
The second attempt to rid the college of his services came in the form of a negative evaluation of his performance by his new department head. Despite the fact that Mr. McIntire was teaching critical thinking skills, his new boss didn't like the fact that his students were having to think critically about "highly charged" subjects, such as gun control. God forbid the snowflake generation would have to consider both sides of a debate, on a college campus no less. Whereas Mr. McIntire may have been able to survive this ideological ambush, what came next served to provide the fatal head shot. To wit, the Shermer Incident.
Mr. McIntire invited a well-known and highly respected academic, Dr. Michael Shermer, to take part in a colloquium. Unbeknownst to these two professionals, a college chemistry professor, Raeanne Napoleon, decided to do a #MeToo search on Mr. Shermer. What she came up with was a four-year-old story about sexual harassment allegations that she decided to run with, by way of sabotaging attendance at the colloquium and defaming Mr. Shermer. She blasted out an email indicating that all the women on campus should be cautious about being alone with the visiting scholar after dark, and well, that did the trick.
As it turns out, Mr. Shermer's college of employment had already conducted an investigation into the allegations and dismissed the same. Santa Barbara City College decided that the chemistry professor's email blast was of no concern. However, when Mr. McIntire went to the defense of Dr. Shermer, well, things took a nasty turn indeed.
The chemistry professor and a couple other #MeToo sorority sisters on campus filed sexual harassment charges against Mr. McIntire. For what? True to form, the sisters claim to be the victims in all this. Simply because it was Mr. McIntire who called them sorority sisters and made fun of them by way of his standard fare of colorful and clever language. Ergo, based on words alone, they filed charges of sexual harassment. Mr. McIntire has since been cleared of the charges, but regardless, City College has informed him they will not rehire him for the next semester.
Andy Caldwell is the executive director of COLAB and host of The Andy Caldwell Radio Show, weekdays from 3-5 p.m., on News-Press AM 1290.
--- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Please help Santa Barbara City College philosophy professor Mark McIntire defray his legal expenses incurred defending Dr. Michael Shermer author of: HEAVENS ON EARTH: The Scientific Search for the Afterlife, Immortality, and Utopia , against defamation and "bullying" claims by Dr. Raeanne Napoleon and Dr. Danielle Swionteck . Here's the Santa Barbara News Press Editorial supportive of Professor McIntire and explaining the levels of his case:
Editorials : SANTA BARBARA NEWS PRESS Guest Opinion: The progressive decline of SBCC

By Andy Caldwell June 28, 2018 7:15 AM
Santa Barbara City College has three things going for it — namely, location, location, location. Other than that, it has become an official wasteland, an intellectual ghetto devoid of constructive dialogue and meaningful debate. That is, the college has finally rid itself of its one token conservative professor, making the transition to an ideologically uniform-social-justice-warrior boot camp complete. To wit, the college has bid adieu and good riddance to one Professor Mark McIntire.
Mr. McIntire initially figured something was amiss when, after having taught at the college for over 20 years, he got a call from the administration. They couldn't find his teaching credential. Of course, they didn't bother to inform him why they were looking for it in the first place, since he had to initially provide it to be hired. Nonetheless, they informed him he could no longer teach without it. As it turns out, Mr. McIntire was able to reproduce the credential in short order.
The second attempt to rid the college of his services came in the form of a negative evaluation of his performance by his new department head. Despite the fact that Mr. McIntire was teaching critical thinking skills, his new boss didn't like the fact that his students were having to think critically about "highly charged" subjects, such as gun control. God forbid the snowflake generation would have to consider both sides of a debate, on a college campus no less. Whereas Mr. McIntire may have been able to survive this ideological ambush, what came next served to provide the fatal head shot. To wit, the Shermer Incident.
Mr. McIntire invited a well-known and highly respected academic, Dr. Michael Shermer, to take part in a colloquium. Unbeknownst to these two professionals, a college chemistry professor, Raeanne Napoleon, decided to do a #MeToo search on Mr. Shermer. What she came up with was a four-year-old story about sexual harassment allegations that she decided to run with, by way of sabotaging attendance at the colloquium and defaming Mr. Shermer. She blasted out an email indicating that all the women on campus should be cautious about being alone with the visiting scholar after dark, and well, that did the trick.
As it turns out, Mr. Shermer's college of employment had already conducted an investigation into the allegations and dismissed the same. Santa Barbara City College decided that the chemistry professor's email blast was of no concern. However, when Mr. McIntire went to the defense of Dr. Shermer, well, things took a nasty turn indeed.
The chemistry professor and a couple other #MeToo sorority sisters on campus filed sexual harassment charges against Mr. McIntire. For what? True to form, the sisters claim to be the victims in all this. Simply because it was Mr. McIntire who called them sorority sisters and made fun of them by way of his standard fare of colorful and clever language. Ergo, based on words alone, they filed charges of sexual harassment. Mr. McIntire has since been cleared of the charges, but regardless, City College has informed him they will not rehire him for the next semester.
Andy Caldwell is the executive director of COLAB and host of The Andy Caldwell Radio Show, weekdays from 3-5 p.m., on News-Press AM 1290.
Mark McIntire
Santa Barbara, CA