Project Shadowfax
My name is Ryan Bliss and for the past 15+ years I have made my living by providing high-quality 3D renders to my subscribers for use as computer backgrounds.
Recent advances in monitor technology have allowed higher pixel densities than ever before (4K, 5K, and 8K+ on the horizon). Unfortunately images this size take a lot longer to render. I have been able to render single-screen 5K images but not the multiple-monitor images that my fans have come to expect.
I hope to earn enough funds through this fundraiser to purchase a new workstation (to be named "Shadowfax " after the fastest horse in Middle-Earth) and triple monitor setup to more properly develop multihead backgrounds in a timely manner.
I hope to power the new machine with 2 14-core Haswell Xeon processors and at leat 128 GB of RAM. I hope to also bump my Bucephalus worksation up at least 96GB (12x8GB).
Any extra funds will be put towards software upgrades that I've had my eye on (such as Cityengine, Helios, and GeoGlyph ).
I have been subscriber supported since 1999 but I have set up this fundraiser to specifically target this very imporant hardware upgrade.
Thank you for your support!!
Ryan Bliss