Help Father Protect Son from Abuse
Donation protected
In order to keep this GoFundMe page short and simple. I will not post the full story. I will just post some basic information and ask for help to raise legal fees to protect my son.
The FULL story of what happened, including a wealth of evidence, pictures, and videos can be seen here: http://www.texasconservativerepublicannews.com/2015/11/help-father-protect-son-from-abuse.html
Baby Michael has been the victim of abuse and neglect, both physical and emotional. On top of being physically hurt, Michael was abandoned, crying in cars in parking lots. He has been denied medical care to the point where the police had to be called by the medical staff.
Michael's father is fighting to protect him.
Michael’s father is at a disadvantage though since there is still an injustice, in not only the judicial system when it comes to a father gaining custody of a child even when they are clearly the more reliable, stable, and secure parent, but in our society as well when it comes to a husband being abused. Michael’s father is hoping to overcome these inequalities in our culture to keep his son safe but he needs your help.
Michael’s father, as any good parent, could never live with himself if, God forbid, something did happen resulting in injury or death to his son, and he had not done everything in his power to protect him. Therefore, he is reaching out to you to bring awareness to what is going so people will not only know how to pray, but to also raise funds in order to legally secure the safety of his child in regards to custody (decision making).
Please, on behalf of baby Michael, take the time to scroll through, read the information below, see the pictures, and watch the videos so you can so you see exactly what is going on and why it is so important:
This video has a lot of the pictures and videos all put together showing the abuse and neglect:
Michael needs to be safe from harm in a stable, non-violent home. Baby Michael's father provides that home and environment. Please help so the father can pay the legal fees needed to protect him and of course, please pray. That almost goes without saying but prayer is the most crucial need in any circumstance so it should be emphasized. Especially since, there is a double standard that Michael's father has to fight. If the roles here were reversed, Michael's father would be in jail and there would be no question about custody. But because Michael's father is a guy, it is an uphill battle to protect Michael and keep him safe.
Here is a video with pics and videos put together of Baby Michael happy and loved and taken care of with Daddy:
Note from the father:
Some things you just don't talk about. This is one of them. Embarrassment, fear of ridicule, keeping personal matters private, etc. I have kept quiet about the abuse and neglect for over a year and a half. Many friends and relatives do not even know everything that is going on and I probably would have never reached out like this except that now, I need help to be able to protect my son. I am fighting to protect my son from neglect and abuse we both have been going through. I have already spent and borrowed over $40,000 for attorney fees and I just have no more loan or credit options before my custody trial.
Baby Michael Abandoned in Cars in Parking Lot and Denied Medical Care
I'll never forget the screaming, crying and red face my little one year old baby Michael had when I found him alone in a car in Ritter Lumber Parking Lot in Beaumont, TX. He had been abandoned in the car for a good while by the time I showed up and took him out. Baby Michael could have been dead, kidnapped, choking, etc. Michael has repeatedly been denied medical care like when he was having allergic reactions and the cops had to be called because he was being denied medical attention. Even with the mountain of evidence showing abuse and neglected of me and my son, I still face an uphill battle in custody simply because I am a guy. I have spent way more than I can afford in legal fees and I have nowhere else to borrow from. But I will stop at nothing (and cannot give up for Michael’s sake) to what I truly feel I need to do to keep my baby boy safe. So I am reaching out to friends and family who might feel led to help. At the very least, you all can keep us in your prayers. If you can give even a small amount though, please do so, and spread the word to any friends or family who might be interested in helping. I ask though that you not post this publicly and that you prayerfully consider who you share this page with - only sharing with those you really think might help (prayerfully or financially). I am trying to share our story to relay a need and request prayer, while still trying to be as sensitive as possible to those involved.
Physical Abuse - Domestic Violence
Here are some of the pictures of things done to me and baby Michael. This shows the importance of why I need to protect him! I was even burned on the back with an iron while I was sleeping:

Report from Police Showing Police Called when Baby Michael almost denied medical treatment when father tried to take him to get help with a doctor's order:

The following messages show that the abuse started years ago and I reached out for help to several others regarding the abuse and neglect:

The FULL story of what happened, including a wealth of evidence, pictures, and videos can be seen here: http://www.texasconservativerepublicannews.com/2015/11/help-father-protect-son-from-abuse.html
Baby Michael has been the victim of abuse and neglect, both physical and emotional. On top of being physically hurt, Michael was abandoned, crying in cars in parking lots. He has been denied medical care to the point where the police had to be called by the medical staff.
Michael's father is fighting to protect him.
Michael’s father is at a disadvantage though since there is still an injustice, in not only the judicial system when it comes to a father gaining custody of a child even when they are clearly the more reliable, stable, and secure parent, but in our society as well when it comes to a husband being abused. Michael’s father is hoping to overcome these inequalities in our culture to keep his son safe but he needs your help.
Michael’s father, as any good parent, could never live with himself if, God forbid, something did happen resulting in injury or death to his son, and he had not done everything in his power to protect him. Therefore, he is reaching out to you to bring awareness to what is going so people will not only know how to pray, but to also raise funds in order to legally secure the safety of his child in regards to custody (decision making).
Please, on behalf of baby Michael, take the time to scroll through, read the information below, see the pictures, and watch the videos so you can so you see exactly what is going on and why it is so important:
This video has a lot of the pictures and videos all put together showing the abuse and neglect:
Michael needs to be safe from harm in a stable, non-violent home. Baby Michael's father provides that home and environment. Please help so the father can pay the legal fees needed to protect him and of course, please pray. That almost goes without saying but prayer is the most crucial need in any circumstance so it should be emphasized. Especially since, there is a double standard that Michael's father has to fight. If the roles here were reversed, Michael's father would be in jail and there would be no question about custody. But because Michael's father is a guy, it is an uphill battle to protect Michael and keep him safe.
Here is a video with pics and videos put together of Baby Michael happy and loved and taken care of with Daddy:
Note from the father:
Some things you just don't talk about. This is one of them. Embarrassment, fear of ridicule, keeping personal matters private, etc. I have kept quiet about the abuse and neglect for over a year and a half. Many friends and relatives do not even know everything that is going on and I probably would have never reached out like this except that now, I need help to be able to protect my son. I am fighting to protect my son from neglect and abuse we both have been going through. I have already spent and borrowed over $40,000 for attorney fees and I just have no more loan or credit options before my custody trial.
Baby Michael Abandoned in Cars in Parking Lot and Denied Medical Care
I'll never forget the screaming, crying and red face my little one year old baby Michael had when I found him alone in a car in Ritter Lumber Parking Lot in Beaumont, TX. He had been abandoned in the car for a good while by the time I showed up and took him out. Baby Michael could have been dead, kidnapped, choking, etc. Michael has repeatedly been denied medical care like when he was having allergic reactions and the cops had to be called because he was being denied medical attention. Even with the mountain of evidence showing abuse and neglected of me and my son, I still face an uphill battle in custody simply because I am a guy. I have spent way more than I can afford in legal fees and I have nowhere else to borrow from. But I will stop at nothing (and cannot give up for Michael’s sake) to what I truly feel I need to do to keep my baby boy safe. So I am reaching out to friends and family who might feel led to help. At the very least, you all can keep us in your prayers. If you can give even a small amount though, please do so, and spread the word to any friends or family who might be interested in helping. I ask though that you not post this publicly and that you prayerfully consider who you share this page with - only sharing with those you really think might help (prayerfully or financially). I am trying to share our story to relay a need and request prayer, while still trying to be as sensitive as possible to those involved.
Physical Abuse - Domestic Violence
Here are some of the pictures of things done to me and baby Michael. This shows the importance of why I need to protect him! I was even burned on the back with an iron while I was sleeping:

Report from Police Showing Police Called when Baby Michael almost denied medical treatment when father tried to take him to get help with a doctor's order:

The following messages show that the abuse started years ago and I reached out for help to several others regarding the abuse and neglect:

Organizer and beneficiary
David Bellow
Lumberton, TX
Michael Bellow