Medical and recovery
I’m Nick Heilig. For those of you who know me, you are aware of how independent I am, and therefore hesitant I am to ask for help, monetary or otherwise. For those of you who don’t know me, here’s a little bit about what I’ve gone through over the last two and a half years.
I was born with Spina Bifida in 1980 and incurred 16 surgeries before 1996. There was practically a celebration in 2006 when I was 10 years without an operation; and 2011 we were ecstatic about 15 years without going under the knife! On September 21st, 2013, I was diagnosed with a sepsis. Sepsis is a condition that arises when the body’s response to infection injures its own tissues and organs.
Since 2013, I’ve undergone 12 weeks of hyperbaric treatment (which consisted of 2 hours a day in a chamber for 5 days a week), trying different dressings for the wound, and 9 surgeries. My nearly 18 year streak has ended. Almost 4 years later I am still dealing with the pressure ulcer and have tried many conventional treatments and there are some things that I have not tried that may or may not be covered by insurance. Even with insurance there are many things that I have had to purchase on my own due to limits of what can be sent by insurance on a monthly basis or if it is even covered.
I’m telling this story because there is still so much hope for my condition. I try and stay very positive and I have been extremely grateful for all of the assistance I have received. I often have to pay for wound care products not covered by insurance or not being sent enough for a 30 day month because of the limits insurance sets. This leaves me having to purchase the supplies I need for most of the month.
As some of you know. I will be having surgery in November that will hopefully close my pressure sore and keep it closed. With this comes a long recovery process of a few weeks in the hospital and followed by a few months in a nursing facility on total bed rest. This will be very difficult for me because I am very independent even with what I have been dealing with the last 4 years. I hope that I can keep my upper body strength up without being able to get out of bed for that long.
It is my hope that with these things, I can get my life and health back, soon! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Please, regardless of whether or not you can make a donation, big or small, please share this link.
I thank you a million times over.