Pursuing my calling...
To my fellow man.
I am on a fantastic journey and YOU are invited to join me! Let me begin by introducing myself to you. My name is Benjamin Weldon (remember that name, you’ll be hearing it again) Over the years, I have dabbled in theater, commercials, and other acting avenues internationally, because I confidently believe that being an award-winning actor is what I was created to do! I have been told by multiple respected names in the industry that I have a natural gift in acting, and that I most definitely need to pursue it! And to be honest, I have known this my whole life! The scariest thing is…. I am in that crucial pivotal moment of life where I feel like this is it. It is time to jump out in faith and do what I was called to do. I informed my roommate that I will be moved out June 30, 2017. I will be moving to L.A. at that time.
Currently, I am debt-free, single, with no kids or commitments and have an opportunity available where I can move to Los Angeles, California to pursue my acting career. At this time my annual cost of living $15,600. I share this information with you so you may understand that I am one who lives below his means. I have always wanted to be a philanthropist and look forward to the day when Benjamin Weldon will become a house-hold name, like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise. I have plans in place to use my increase income from my success in acting and contribute to nonprofit organizations. My experiences from living in Thailand for 3 years, has laid a burden on my heart to help free people from the sex-slave situations they are trapped it. I want to help that organization and also another organization called Benjamin House Ministries. I’ve been taught that when you give money to people or causes, do not boast or brag about your good deeds. My plan is to have my manager/agent/accountant to handle my financial affairs and make the donations under a vail of secrecy.
You are probably wondering by now what part you play in all of this. What I’m asking from you is to see the vision I have and want to help me achieve it. The bare minimum amount that I’m trying to raise is $15,940. (if I am able to raise more than that, I would be thrilled beyond all joy!) The expenses that make up that number are listed below.
Budget Expenses
Rent 6 months $6,000
Gym membership aTighterU $480
Personal Training Services
(12 weeks) $3,000
Meal Prep Services
(12 weeks) $3,000
Casting Agency $960
Acting Classes (6 months) $1,500
Headshots $1,000
I humbly believe that after 12 weeks of the professional personal training at the prestigious gym A Tighter U, I will have a transformed body. This new body will provide me with the desired results that are needed whilst in front of Casting Directors and auditions. I believe in my acting abilities and warm personality. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I WILL audition and land those roles! I just need your help getting myself in front of those high-end Casting Agents. Once they can start knowing my name and all the dramatic abilities I bring to the table, the beginning path to stardom will be won. I am requesting donation amounts to provide myself for 6 months of financial support in Los Angeles California to achieve my goals. If you too are able to see the vision I have and wish to provide a hand up in this once in a lifetime adventure. Please, make a donation! I will forever be in your gratitude.
I'm already collecting boxes to be ready to move out June 30, for the big move to in L.A. Please watch my story unfold on my YouTube channel called, Rags2Riches the Journey of Ben Weldon. I will continue posting weekly videos showing my struggles and achievements over the course of the next year. For those of you who donate a substantial amount of money to this fund I will not forget you. I give you my word that I will personally thank you, by name, when I’m giving my first acceptance speech “Best Supporting Actor” at the Oscars.
Be well be blessed,
Future Oscar Winner,
Benjamin Weldonhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUaflMwnjLuxG8NnnIqVxwQ