Help me survive
Life hasn't been easy on me. Especially the last couple years. After leaving an abusive relationship that i wasn't happy in I had to find ways to make money after to pay my bills. Ways that I wouldn't of thought about doing but did and i injured myself very bad and lost my two jobs because i couldn't get there and the place that i was making my money made me stay all day and night 12 hours and i couldn't survive on a biweekly paycheck. It was an adult job and i hurt my body very bad from walking in heels for 12 hours a day. So I have been out of work for over a month due to my injuries and depression. Depression because I had to give up my cat who I adopted and the person I let take care of him let him out and he isn't an outdoor cat, after loosing a baby and then i couldn't even take care of the cat and I feel really bad about myself. Also with no work I have no money, No food because food stamps needs an address. $40 a month for my storage unit, $35 for my phone, $400 for rent, and money for food, $30 for my medication prescriptons and money other supplies and
necessities I need. I have a few great friends who have been helping me out but its coming up with that money. I have 5000 people on Facebook and i don't know who would be willing to help. But I'm literally begging her. I need to get through a couple months until I have recovered and can get back to work and find a better place to live eventually. Thank you.
The pictures below are of my baby popcorn I had to let go of just like the real one i was supposed to have. And the second one is of how much weight I've and how skinny I am from not being able to eat properly.