Help Cindy Fight Cancer
Help Cindy Fight Cancer
The fight begins. Cancer is a scary thing, and the timing is never good, but Cindy Bennett's diagnosis has come just after a year long journey with her sister's fight with cancer. Also, because of a recent divorce she has lost her insurance. She has a temporary policy now, but has accrued several medical expenses alredy that have not been covered. Cindy will not be able to have a job for the next year as she is having a double mastectomy, 12 months of chemo, then reconstruction surgery. Being single, yet still having to pay the normal living expenses we all have is frightening for her I'm sure. This is why we are asking for a little help to get her through this next year, til her life starts to return to normal. Thank you for anything you are able to do, it will be greatly appreciated. You can help also by sharing this post. Above all, please keep Cindy in your prayers.