Memorial Baja
Memorial Baja is a group of Memorial University Engineering students working together to meet the various demands encountered in building, testing and marketing an off-road racing vehicle. Memorial Baja competes annually with over 100 international universities coming from all across Canada, the US, South America, and Asia.
For our 2016 season we are reaching out to anyone who would be interested in donating to the team in order to help us out with purchasing materials and parts to build our car. Sponsorships from various companies and grants, as well as discounts from parts distributers have been a huge help but we still end up paying out of pocket for a considerable amount of the car.
We are therefore accepting any donation, large or small! Anything that can be contributed toward our goal would be a huge help.
Also, if you have made it this far into ourstory and you or your company are interested in sponsoring us, we advertise our company sponsors on our car as well as your company logo on our team tshirts. For more info on this you can go to our website or message us on our Facebook page posted below.
Thanks for taking the time to read our story and we thank everyone who took the time to donate! For updates and progress on our acheivements you can check out our Facebook page, or our website to see all the fun, innovation and experience this program gives us.
Wish us luck!
Memorial Baja
Facebook page:
Memorial Baja Website
Information for the governing body, competition dates and rules can all be found at: http://students.sae.org/competitions/bajasae/