QueerGlobal Startup Fund
The modern world is a diverse and beautiful landscape of identity and expression. Queer visibility is celebrating a historical high. But too often, the image of Queerness that is presented, and catered to, is woefully one-sided. White, young, slim, and able-bodied remains the center of our collective view. But we are so much more than that.... We are Black. We are Latinx. We are Asian, Middle Eastern, Bi and Multi Racial. We are tall, short, curvy, plus size, fat. We use chairs, canes, crutches, lifts, braces.... our diversity is what makes Queerness beautiful. And yet we are frequently overlooked.
Queer Global is a worldwide masterlist for marginalized peoples in the Queer community. QG will provide links and information to surgeons, doctors, therapists, and more with specialized expertise in servicing and supporting overlooked races and bodies, as well as a comprehensive listing of worldwide events, support groups, product lines and queer-owned companies that cater to marginalized peoples.
Looking for a binder in a hard to match skintone? QG can help. Need a surgeon that specializes in plus sized bodies? QG can help. Traveling to a new city and want to find an event where you can comfortably and safely mingle with other Queer POC? QG can help.
Building a site like this takes time, and of course, money. That’s where you come in. Your donations will help us pay for our web domain, the necessary hardware to create our operations HQ, as well as the work of graphic and web designers to help us achieve our goal of creating this groundbreaking platform for Queer interaction and support. Every little bit helps.
Queerness has finally gained it’s spotlight the global stage. It’s time to build our own world.