"Spud has Cancer"
Thank you so much for dropping by this page and giving a bit of your time to something that means a lot to us.
A few weeks ago, Ben found out that he has cancer. Amidst all the research involved as to how he could best combat it, he came up with the idea for an album that he wants to call "Spud has Cancer", and a plan to have the album finished by the end of his chemotherapy treatment.
We're asking for help from our friends and fans to make this a reality - the album has some production costs, and we also want to use this opportunity to help raise money for the American Cancer Society. Here’s a breakdown!
Our goal is to raise $3000 - 50% ($1500) for the American Cancer Society, 50% ($1500) for the record.
If you're at this page, you've already helped so much, thank you again for dropping by.