help us get our lives back
On March 28th 2015, my family and I were supposed to move to florida to start our lives over. Daddy, Mommy and our two children. We were all so much looking forward to living in Jacksonville and having a fresh start. It's all i thought about, dreamed about, and it made me so excited to think about. However, on March 27, 2015, my boyfriend ( the father of my children) went to a going away dinner. He came back completely drunk. I never in a million years would have thought he would do this but he threw me to the ground hitting me over and over for what seemed like hours, kicked me, ripped out large ammounts of my hair, and tried to strangle me to death. my son was also present for the attack and was hit by his father (wasnt injured, just a small bruise and a couple of scratches.) this is the short version of what happened. now we are left with nothing, as his family came and looted through my things. we didnt have much of our own belongings anyway. i was an unemployed stay at home mom before this all happened, and had a great job lined up in jacksonville before this all happened. I was left with a broken nose, scratches on my face, an extremely sore jaw, bald patches on my head, and lots of swelling, also we are running out of money and we need to get our own place very soon. we need help with utilities, and purchasing neccesities such as beds, a couch, a tv, plates, pots pans and silverware. I also have no health insurance and i need to attend counselling after this traumatic event. if you can help every dime makes a difference. thankfully this monster is being held on multiple felonies and we have been offered a little peace of mind knowing that that. The picture shown is not after the abuse happened. its hard for me to look at, but if you would like to see what hes done to me just message me and ask for it. as soon as my face heals i will be getting a job, but right now we do not have much to work with. thank you.