Boys & Girls Club of Vista Flooding
Tax deductible
The Boys and Girls Club of Vista is a safe and fun place with programs focusing on character development, academic success and healthy lifestyles. We are open weekdays after school (Monday through Friday), as well as during school breaks.
Since 1963, our mission has been to inspire and enable all boys and girls but especially those that need us the most, to reach their full potential as responsible, productive, and caring citizens.
Due to the major rain storm on January 9, 2018, a drainage pipe broke connected to our roof and water came in quickly over night. It flooded 50% of our facility. Right now, the preschool, gamesroom, and art deparments are closed until further notice. We're hoping our nsurance will cover the costs of the repairs. However, we are asking for your help to get a new roof to prevent future leaks/flooding. Our building was built in 1965 and has served thousands of kids helping with academic success, character development and healthy lifestyles . With your help, we hope a new roof will help us make a positive impact on thousands more of kids for future generations of Vista kids
Matt Koumaras
Vista, CA
Boys & Girls Club of Vista