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Memorial Fund for Ramond Lee

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Gun violence has yet taken another loved one in the blink of an eye. At the young age of 28, we all thought there would be many more years of laughter, jokes, and fun with Ramond. On Tuesday July 4, 2017 our beloved was taken away from us when he ran to the aid of a friend and was shot and killed, Ramond was transitioning from the US Military back into civilian life, and he did not have a life insurance policy. I’m sure he was thinking there was plenty of time to get life insurance I have my whole life ahead of me. The US military is only able to offer our family with minimal assistance in the burial of our loved one and we are asking for help, so that we can have proper burial for our son, brother, cousin, soldier and friend.


  • Marisol Flint
    • $15
    • 7 yrs


Tiffany Holland
Rocky Mount, NC

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