Reality Tea Supports Detroit
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Fans of The Real Housewives of Atlanta may remember during this season's reunion show (part 3), there was a $20,000 charity challenge issued. One star promised to donate $20,000 to the charity of the other star's choice, so long as the other star sent her check first. The charity chosen on the reunion show was the Detroit Public Schools Foundation. It sounded like a grand gesture that would put their previous fundraiser event 'misunderstanding' to rest once and for all.
Fast forward to months later when the reunion aired and, after media outlets inquired with DPSF, the organization confirmed that neither star had yet sent their promised $20,000 check to the worthy cause. The stars tried to get out on a technicality, claiming they'd send their donation check only when the other mailed hers (and one even claimed to not remember the challenge at all). As fans of the show and of genuine charitable giving, this didn't sit well and it has bothered us ever since. We reached out to DPSF this week and they confirmed the status of the checks as "not received." So, we want to do something about it.
We want to band together and show the Detroit Public Schools Foundation that reality TV fans are a class act and an awesome community - even though the stars may not always be! We hope to show them that we care and want to do our best to help. Not on behalf of the two stars who made the initial promise/challenge, but on behalf of the reality TV community!
On Reality Tea alone we have millions of readers per month. If just 8,000 of those readers each donated $5, we'd reach the goal in minutes! If you can't afford to donate (or just don't want to), we'd love to have your support in other ways - a Tweet with the link to the GoFundMe page, sharing the info/link on Facebook, etc. We know it's a lot to ask and we may only raise $5 and that's okay, as long as we can say we tried.
For those wondering, all money donated is set up to be sent straight to DPSF directly from GoFundMe. Reality Tea is merely setting up this fundraiser in the hope of making a small dent and being able to send the foundation at least a little something before the new school year kicks off!
We're planning to keep this open for 60 days and see what sort of magic happens for DPSF! And who knows, maybe we'll inspire a few reality stars to mail some checks of their own, too.
Fast forward to months later when the reunion aired and, after media outlets inquired with DPSF, the organization confirmed that neither star had yet sent their promised $20,000 check to the worthy cause. The stars tried to get out on a technicality, claiming they'd send their donation check only when the other mailed hers (and one even claimed to not remember the challenge at all). As fans of the show and of genuine charitable giving, this didn't sit well and it has bothered us ever since. We reached out to DPSF this week and they confirmed the status of the checks as "not received." So, we want to do something about it.
We want to band together and show the Detroit Public Schools Foundation that reality TV fans are a class act and an awesome community - even though the stars may not always be! We hope to show them that we care and want to do our best to help. Not on behalf of the two stars who made the initial promise/challenge, but on behalf of the reality TV community!
On Reality Tea alone we have millions of readers per month. If just 8,000 of those readers each donated $5, we'd reach the goal in minutes! If you can't afford to donate (or just don't want to), we'd love to have your support in other ways - a Tweet with the link to the GoFundMe page, sharing the info/link on Facebook, etc. We know it's a lot to ask and we may only raise $5 and that's okay, as long as we can say we tried.
For those wondering, all money donated is set up to be sent straight to DPSF directly from GoFundMe. Reality Tea is merely setting up this fundraiser in the hope of making a small dent and being able to send the foundation at least a little something before the new school year kicks off!
We're planning to keep this open for 60 days and see what sort of magic happens for DPSF! And who knows, maybe we'll inspire a few reality stars to mail some checks of their own, too.
Rea Tea
Los Angeles, CA
The Detroit Public Schools Foundation