Rebel City publishing fund
Rebel City is an anarchist newspaper which aims to cover all issues of importance to working-class Londoners. We argue for a radical transformation of our city.
Originally published by London Anarchist Federation up to issue 5,
is now collectively produced by a range of groups and individuals. Besides the AF, contributors include the Anarchist Communist Group, Haringey Solidarity Group, members of Solidarity Federation, the Industrial Workers of the World and Feminist Fightback as well as unaffiliated individuals.
We print approximate 4,000 copies per edition and distribute for free at tube stations, social centres and demos. This crowdfunder will be used to cover printing costs for future issues. We are a non-profit group and all proceeds will go to fund our publishing efforts.
Get involved. Contribute articles and information. Take bundles and distribute them among yourneighbours and workmates.