Reborn Community Trademark Appeal
We are raising money, to file an petition to cancel the trademarked terms "REBORN BABY DOLL", and "THE ORIGINAL REBORN" These terms belongs to our industry as a whole and so many families, businesses, and individuals are being deeply affected by this. We believe these terms were approved in error, and will stand together to ensure they are revoked.
We must file paperwork through the USPTO on top of having legal counsel along the way. This is detrimental to the future of our industry. Let's not let one person's greed, destroy a community built over decades. We stand united, as friends, as artists, as customers, and as business owners, to do what is right.
We will be filing as soon as possible. All funds used will be transparent to the entire community. Thank you for your support, and for your love of our REBORN BABY DOLL Community!!