Rebuild My Coral Farm
Donation protected

Its with a truly heartbroken feeling that I find myself creating this go fund me page.
Since 2005 I have focused on sustainably raising live corals for saltwater aquariums and selling them to other hobbyists. It has always given me great joy to see my coral seedlings grow into beautiful creatures to sell to others and as needed, instruct and teach them about how to care for the corals. Two years ago I moved my coral farm into a larger location from where it's been thriving and expanding.

Last night the stuff of all reef hobbyists' nightmares happened and there was a fire that destroyed 75% of my business and 100% of all the livestock I was raising. I had 4 large aquariums running with hundreds of corals and several beloved fish that I had had for over 5 years.
Right now, I am simply numb with shock and sadness at this loss and trying to figure out the best way to go forward. I am asking for your assistance with specialized information on how to clean up after a fire (soot, chemical residues, disposal)...and, if you can...to come help me with the clean up process itself.
Most importantly, I need your cash assistance to help to get me by until the farm can generate income again.
I will update this page more once we get a handle on how much equipment is destroyed and what the clean up costs, etc are going to be. I never expected to have to ask for help like this and I greatly appreciate anything you can contribute. I would really like to be able to get back to growing in the future.

Morgan Kerry Moore
Miami, FL