Reformed Roots in Reedsburg
Donation protected
$106,129 is the actual progress toward our goal due to donations received via mail and PayPal. That's 53% toward our fundraising goal! Track real-time progress reports by visiting this page.
Barren Ground
It would seem that the 9,200 residents of Reedsburg, WI have all the options for worship they need, but sadly, South-central WI is lacking a truly Reformed presence.
Nearly twenty years ago, a few reformed Christians were traveling an hour to worship in Madison, WI and concluded that Reedsburg needed a Reformed church.
Seeds Planted
After weighing the denominational options, this core group chose to plant the time-tested and fruitful seeds of Westminster theology and Presbyterian government.
Grace Reformed Church, a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church within the Presbytery of the Midwest, was planted and it quickly began to grow.
A Season of Growth
As this young church increased in size, it needed to be transplanted, on average, every three years.
A positive effect of all these moves was that it helped the church to embrace the pilgrim identity of its religious heritage.
A negative effect was that it occasionally gave the unfortunate impression of impermanency to those whom they sought to reach with the Gospel .
By Their Fruits
Whatever outward impressions may have been, the impact of this church has been undeniable with sinners saved, saints sanctified, and Christ’s Body fully engaged in the work of ministry. As Christ said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Prepared Ground
Grace Reformed Church has investigated several properties over the years, but it appears that God was preparing a perfect spot all along: The Reedsburg Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The members of Grace Reformed Church believe this ground has been prepared for them and that the time has come to put down permanent roots in Reedsburg, WI.
Help Needed
The church qualifies for a mortgage and is willing to close the remaining financial gap by borrowing, but they do not want to run ahead of God and not give him opportunity to provide in a more remarkable manner through the generosity of his people.
Will you please help? This GoFundMe page is one of the final steps in discerning God’s will concerning this purchase. Here are the current calculations:
Current asking price: $475,000 >>
Local church capital campaign: $125,000 >> Surpassed!
Fundraising goal: $200,000
Note: Many are contributing via mail, so the progress bar is not accurate. Visit this page for current stats on both inside and outside giving.
God Gives the Increase
As you prayerfully consider how you might help permanently establish a Reformed witness to the Gospel in South-central WI, remember and rejoice in this:
“Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” (1 Corinthians 3:7-8)
Barren Ground
It would seem that the 9,200 residents of Reedsburg, WI have all the options for worship they need, but sadly, South-central WI is lacking a truly Reformed presence.
Nearly twenty years ago, a few reformed Christians were traveling an hour to worship in Madison, WI and concluded that Reedsburg needed a Reformed church.
Seeds Planted
After weighing the denominational options, this core group chose to plant the time-tested and fruitful seeds of Westminster theology and Presbyterian government.
Grace Reformed Church, a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church within the Presbytery of the Midwest, was planted and it quickly began to grow.
A Season of Growth
As this young church increased in size, it needed to be transplanted, on average, every three years.
A positive effect of all these moves was that it helped the church to embrace the pilgrim identity of its religious heritage.
A negative effect was that it occasionally gave the unfortunate impression of impermanency to those whom they sought to reach with the Gospel .
By Their Fruits
Whatever outward impressions may have been, the impact of this church has been undeniable with sinners saved, saints sanctified, and Christ’s Body fully engaged in the work of ministry. As Christ said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Prepared Ground
Grace Reformed Church has investigated several properties over the years, but it appears that God was preparing a perfect spot all along: The Reedsburg Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The members of Grace Reformed Church believe this ground has been prepared for them and that the time has come to put down permanent roots in Reedsburg, WI.
Help Needed
The church qualifies for a mortgage and is willing to close the remaining financial gap by borrowing, but they do not want to run ahead of God and not give him opportunity to provide in a more remarkable manner through the generosity of his people.
Will you please help? This GoFundMe page is one of the final steps in discerning God’s will concerning this purchase. Here are the current calculations:
Current asking price: $475,000 >>
Local church capital campaign: $125,000 >> Surpassed!
Fundraising goal: $200,000
Note: Many are contributing via mail, so the progress bar is not accurate. Visit this page for current stats on both inside and outside giving.
God Gives the Increase
As you prayerfully consider how you might help permanently establish a Reformed witness to the Gospel in South-central WI, remember and rejoice in this:
“Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” (1 Corinthians 3:7-8)
Organizer and beneficiary
Grace Reformed Church
Reedsburg, WI
Building Fund