REGRET needs your help!
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The REGRET Story
Nearly 400 previously healthy Irish teenage girls, have suffered severe long term side effects following the HPV vaccination in first year of seconday school. These excruciating side effects include seizures, severe headaches, paralysis, memory loss, early onset menopause, pancreatitis, joint and leg pain, muscle weakness, brain fog, memory loss, chest pain, heart palpitations, extreme tiredness as well as auto-immune conditions.
Most of these are listed in the manufacturers Product Information Leaflet (PIL), which parents in Ireland did not receive before signing the consent form. Instead the parent’s received a glossy brochure that reassured them the side effects if any would be mild such as some redness, swelling or itchiness of the arm on the day.
As a result many of our girls cannot attend school or participate in normal teenage activities. Some of our girls need wheelchairs just so that they can get around. Up to half of our girls are on suicide watch 24 hours a day.

In May 2015 parents of some of these girls came together and set up a support group called R.E.G.R.E.T. (Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma). The aim of the group is to help the victims and families suffering since receiving the HPV vaccine. Since we launched our numbers have grown at an alarming rate. We now have almost 400 extremely sick young girls in Ireland and, with the continuing vaccination programme, we have more girls joining each day. This is why we really need your help.

We get no help from the Irish medical system and we have to pay for private specialist appointments, follow on tests and treatments ourselves. Most families are not entitled to medical cards and with proposed changes to Disability Allowance most of our seriously ill girls will not qualify for any support at all. Some parents have spent over €20,000 on private medical care with individual consultants costing up to €400 per session.
How can you help us?
- We need medical experts to investigate and treat the root cause of our girls Post Gardasil Symptoms.
- We need long term treatment plans including counselling and support for the girls and their families.
- We need urgent help to deal with excessive medical expenses including; specialists, further testing, long term medication, supplements and immune boosters.
- We will maintain our awareness program, informing parents of the possible side effects outlined in the PIL to allow them to make an informed decision on whether to vaccinate their child.
- We will share the results of our investigations to the world-wide community of children suffering these long term side effects.
We need your help right now!
Without your help, the future of all these girls holds little hope for recovery. By helping us you will have the eternal gratitude of every parent and of hundreds of Irish teenage girls to whom you shall have given back their teenage years.
If you or your family are having similar experiences please contact REGRET in confidence.
Website - www.regret.ie
Facebook - www.facebook.com/REGRET.ie
Twitter - www.twitter.com/REGRET_ie
Watch our Video here:
Nearly 400 previously healthy Irish teenage girls, have suffered severe long term side effects following the HPV vaccination in first year of seconday school. These excruciating side effects include seizures, severe headaches, paralysis, memory loss, early onset menopause, pancreatitis, joint and leg pain, muscle weakness, brain fog, memory loss, chest pain, heart palpitations, extreme tiredness as well as auto-immune conditions.
Most of these are listed in the manufacturers Product Information Leaflet (PIL), which parents in Ireland did not receive before signing the consent form. Instead the parent’s received a glossy brochure that reassured them the side effects if any would be mild such as some redness, swelling or itchiness of the arm on the day.
As a result many of our girls cannot attend school or participate in normal teenage activities. Some of our girls need wheelchairs just so that they can get around. Up to half of our girls are on suicide watch 24 hours a day.

In May 2015 parents of some of these girls came together and set up a support group called R.E.G.R.E.T. (Reactions and Effects of Gardasil Resulting in Extreme Trauma). The aim of the group is to help the victims and families suffering since receiving the HPV vaccine. Since we launched our numbers have grown at an alarming rate. We now have almost 400 extremely sick young girls in Ireland and, with the continuing vaccination programme, we have more girls joining each day. This is why we really need your help.

We get no help from the Irish medical system and we have to pay for private specialist appointments, follow on tests and treatments ourselves. Most families are not entitled to medical cards and with proposed changes to Disability Allowance most of our seriously ill girls will not qualify for any support at all. Some parents have spent over €20,000 on private medical care with individual consultants costing up to €400 per session.
How can you help us?
- We need medical experts to investigate and treat the root cause of our girls Post Gardasil Symptoms.
- We need long term treatment plans including counselling and support for the girls and their families.
- We need urgent help to deal with excessive medical expenses including; specialists, further testing, long term medication, supplements and immune boosters.
- We will maintain our awareness program, informing parents of the possible side effects outlined in the PIL to allow them to make an informed decision on whether to vaccinate their child.
- We will share the results of our investigations to the world-wide community of children suffering these long term side effects.
We need your help right now!
Without your help, the future of all these girls holds little hope for recovery. By helping us you will have the eternal gratitude of every parent and of hundreds of Irish teenage girls to whom you shall have given back their teenage years.
If you or your family are having similar experiences please contact REGRET in confidence.
Website - www.regret.ie
Facebook - www.facebook.com/REGRET.ie
Twitter - www.twitter.com/REGRET_ie
Watch our Video here:
REGRET Ireland