We really need help
Donation protected
On the evening of the 16th February we had a powercut at home. Something that is normally nothing to worry about in our house a big deal. Zac is severely asthmatic and was using a nebuliser that was plugged into the power supply at the time.
I called our electricity provider SSE and although very nice they didn't know at the time what the problem was, whether other people were affected or how long it would take to be resolved. As a result we had to call for an ambulance.
By the time a paramedic reached us we were too late to be treated at home and an ambulance to transport us to hospital was required. All of this took time and by the time we were on out way to Bath it was evident that the delay in having treatment had lead to more serious consequences.
By 10pm my 8 year old baby was sedated and being treated intravenously in intensive care. I can safely say that watching him there was one of the most frightening experiences of my life and could have been avoided had we continued with his original treatment at home.
On Friday I was supposed to attend an appointment at the Job Centre. I claim Universal Credit as a result of my own health problems and having to be a carer for Zac. Obviously under the circumstances I couldn't attend and I received notification that as a result my benefits would be sanctioned for two months.
Zac responded well to the initial treatment but remains unwell and in hospital. I hope that he will be able to return home this week.
Unfortunately through one situation that no one could have predicted we now find ourselves in a devastating and life changing position.
The result of my universal credit sanction is that not only is there no money for living expenses, I cannot pay rent for the sanction period. When I informed my landlord of this I was given one months notice (as per my contract) to vacate our home.
The DWP, although I have offered a letter from both the electricity supplier and the hospital to explain why I couldn't be at the appointment have refused both and instead have laid the blame at my feet for not attending the appointment.
The council will not help us until we are homeless and having moved 5 times in Zacs 8 years I do not want to put him in the position of having to move again, especially with nowhere to go.
I do not have any family that can help, nor do I know many people in the area, certainly no one who I can call on for financial assistance.
So I'm asking you to help.
This will make a difference to us.
Heather wride