FNY Website Revamp
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Hey, Forgotten Fans, your webmaster, Kevin Walsh, needs your assistance in order to better master the web!
Forgotten NY’s current website is long overdue for an overhaul: updated platform and design, better search functionality, mobile capability... just a few of the current challenges. FNY is also coming up on its 20th Anniversary, so we’re asking for your help with a website worthy of its content and to better serve YOU users! Because while Forgotten NY covers many long-lost aspects of our great city, its website should not be a thing of the past!
GOAL: $5,000 (new website design + hosting)
Besides profiting from this brand new site, there are even more rewards for your (not)Forgotten support!
Tier donation rewards
$5,000 = There are no words to express our gratitude. If Kevin had a firstborn, you’d get it, but since Forgotten New York is his baby, how’s about a lifetime of free tours?
+ signed copies of “Forgotten New York," and "Forgotten Queens" books, with credit to you listed on the new website
$2,500 = a personalized tour of your choosing with Kevin J. Walsh himself + a signed copy of “Forgotten NY”
$1,000 = 20 Forgotten NY tours
$500 = 10 Forgotten NY tours
$100 = signed Forgotten NY (or Forgotten Queens book - TBD per Kevin)
$50 = 1-year membership to Greater Astoria Historical Society (which includes $5 discount on FNY tours)
Forgotten NY’s current website is long overdue for an overhaul: updated platform and design, better search functionality, mobile capability... just a few of the current challenges. FNY is also coming up on its 20th Anniversary, so we’re asking for your help with a website worthy of its content and to better serve YOU users! Because while Forgotten NY covers many long-lost aspects of our great city, its website should not be a thing of the past!
GOAL: $5,000 (new website design + hosting)
Besides profiting from this brand new site, there are even more rewards for your (not)Forgotten support!
Tier donation rewards
$5,000 = There are no words to express our gratitude. If Kevin had a firstborn, you’d get it, but since Forgotten New York is his baby, how’s about a lifetime of free tours?
+ signed copies of “Forgotten New York," and "Forgotten Queens" books, with credit to you listed on the new website
$2,500 = a personalized tour of your choosing with Kevin J. Walsh himself + a signed copy of “Forgotten NY”
$1,000 = 20 Forgotten NY tours
$500 = 10 Forgotten NY tours
$100 = signed Forgotten NY (or Forgotten Queens book - TBD per Kevin)
$50 = 1-year membership to Greater Astoria Historical Society (which includes $5 discount on FNY tours)
Kevin J. Walsh
Astoria, NY
Greater Astoria Historical Society