Rife Device Testing Project
The "Rife" resonance therapy method was discovered by Royal Raymond Rife back in the 1930s and in simple terms, uses resonance to destroy pathogens in a similar way to when a singer breaks a wine-glass by hitting the right note. This means you can destroy any pathogen this way as long as you know the correct frequency and can apply it in the best way.
This method has been found to be highly effective for a range of diseases from Lyme up to cancer. For this therapy to be effective, you need to know the correct resonance frequencies for the disease you are treating and have good device that can generate those frequencies in a safe and precise way.
A number of manufacturers offer such devices, but each one “claims to be the best," yet there are no real independent assessments and testing results available, which makes it very difficult for people to know which devices to trust.
That is why we need independent testing to determine the quality of each unit that can be measured in frequency accuracy, waveform, intensity and a number of other measurable ways. By using the European medCE Class II, rule 9 standards as a reference, we can transparently determine just how well each device measures up.
There are already some devices available that meet those standards and can therefore be legally and openly used by doctors and clinics throughout Europe. As the USA does not approve any such devices, there is little point in using US standards for these tests.
So how do the other US made, for example, devices measure up. Are the more expensive ones worth the extra, are the cheapest ones unsafe to use? We want to find out in a transparent way.
I have been running Rife Research, Europe and the two largest Rife research communities (Rife Yahoogroup and The Rife Forum) since September 1999 and am not affiliated with any device manufacturers. The most common question asked is "which unit is the best." They are looking for "Best Buy" comparisons that are independant and trustworthy of the various units and this has never been done properly, so far. The Rife Forum does have a number of device specific sections where user-to-user advice can be exchanged, but what is really needed is independant testing.
There are those that that claim some manufacturers only want to earn “big money” at the expense of others, yet good research, proper safety testing and building quality equipment is not possible when price is looked at as the only important factor. We feel that although price is important, it is often better to pay a bit more for a quality unit that will be safe and have a proven track record to actually help to resolve your health issues. False promises help no one but those making such promises.
I have wanted to setup such independent testing since I started the Rife Forum back in 2002, but this is expensive as each device has to be purchased, fully tested and reported on in a transparent way. The Rife Forum is currently financed through donations that barely cover the costs, so we simply do not have the funds to get this project started without your help. Besides buying in the units, we also need good test equipment and protocols. We luckily do have access to highly trained engineers who can perform the tests, independently.
I am initially asking for 20000 Euro to help obtain the test equipment and purchase the first devices to test. Once we have completed each test, the units will be sold so that the funds can be reused to buy the next one, etc. The finished reports will be offered for sale to those interested and those funds will be used to help fund testing of additional devices. Due to the large number of devices available, 20000 Euro is only enough to get us started, so the more you donate, the more we can do.
We will also invite manufacturers to donate units for testing as those with good units will benefit from having an independent report confirming the quality of their units. By donating units, they can help ensure that their units are tested earlier, as we need to be careful with funds in the startup period.
Normally, the manufacturers would help to pay for such tests through advertising for example, but the laws state that such manufactures are not permitted to advertise where the effectiveness to treat diseases can be discussed. The forum can therefore not sell such devices directly, either. That is why we have to ask you, the end users to help fund these tests through donations here that can be supplimented later through money earned to get access to the test results. We find this is a way to make it possible to fund such a service that is so badly needed. It will also help to reactivate the entrepreneurs who take the risk to design and build such devices.
We are excited to get started on what will be a massive project and we think it is worth it in order to help sick people to be able to obtain good independent advice on which device to invest in. In our experience, there is no one best device for everyone; it depends much more on what you are treating, where you are located and what your budget is.
As a perk to investors, those that invest $100/100 Euro or more will be given free access to all forthcoming tests reports for a year. $200 /200 Euro will give you two years, etc. The final reports will be published on www.rife.de which is currently being updated and expanded.
There is plenty to do, so please help us get started on this vital project and “Make Rifeing, Great Again!” – “ Yes, We Can!"
So please donate and even if you can't, at least share this campain with everyone you think would be interested.