Riley's Medical Fund
Hello there fans, friends, and porno colleagues.
If you are here, it's because you heard that I had invasive surgery and am now in recovery.
I had a lump and pain in my lower abdomen. When I went in, it was so big they thought it was a pregnancy, but it turned out to be a huge ovarian cyst. The size of a grapefruit! It literally eclipsed my whole uterus... I was supposed to have an outpatient procedure, but the pain got worse and I had to rush to the ER. I was admitted and stayed there for 6 days. They had to make an incision to remove it. Luckily, surgery went fine: I got to keep both ovaries and everything was benign.
But now the doctor says I have until the new year to recover from the incision they made. That means no exercise, heavy lifting, or vigorous sex. Hell, for the first couple weeks I couldn't even laugh or masturbate, and I could barely walk. Now my mobility is better but I am still in pain.
And on top of the work hiatus, I am about to get hit with a pile of hospital bills. I was in the hospital for 6 days. There have been so many expenses: the tests, an MRI, the surgery, overnights in the hospital, and all the trappings. My insurance has a $5000 cap on what I can pay annually, and I have just hit it. I already raised 1k from other fan contributions, so if we can get the other 4 it would really make a difference.
A huge shoutout to my fans who already bought rewards via my paysite: Jake, Jaime, and James especially! Y'all know who you are. (Spoilbacks and customs are always available for people who go there through my social media) Here... here I am just asking for your help.
I have burned through my savings now.
Please help me survive this last month in recovery.