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Robert's medical bills & expenses

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Since our dad passed away in  February 2012, my brother Rob has carried on the running the family business, Toll Gate Ice Cream. On Sunday, January 8, I took Rob to the emergency room to determine what had been causing his stomach pain for the previous three weeks.   Rob had been reluctant to seek medical attention because he could not afford health insurance.  After tests were run, the docs  were convinced that Rob had a cancerous mass in his intestines.  Rob was admitted to the hospital, biopsies were taken, and we were told that his issues more resembled  diverticulitis, which he had previously suffered from.  Over the next few days measures were taken to reduce the inflammation in Rob's digestive tract  so that surgery could ultimately be performed to remove the affected section of intestine. This morning Jan. 12, his surgeon called me to let me know that Rob was sweating, pale, and had an elevated heart rate - all signs of shock indicating massive infection and emergency surgery needed.  He underwent surgery this morning.  We spoke to the surgeon afterwards of the extent of his illness.  We  were  told that  Rob was very sick and would be moved from recovery to ICU. At the writing of this the doctors are telling us to pray for his recovery.  Those of you who know us will understand how difficult this is for my brother and I.  At this point I don't know what else to do.  The restaurant wasn't doing well and will have to remain closed for the duration of Rob's illness, assuming he recovers. I fear that his hospital bills will be close to six figures.  It is with great sadness and humility that I ask the Toll Gate community for help now.  Anything at this point  will help.  I thank you, and I know, if he could my brother would as well.  Mary
PS.  If you could please share this with any members of the Toll Gate family. Not just for help but also to let them know what's happening.


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    • 15 $
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  • Catherine Gabriels
    • 50 $
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  • Nancy Kehoe
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  • Amy Wildey McGill
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Mary Zautner Smart
Clarksville, NY

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