In 1934 a forward-thinking, caring and committed community built our beloved Roberts Creek Community Hall.
Now the Hall - which has seen so many us dance, share meals, music, memories and celebrations of life and death - needs a new roof. This will mean stripping off the current metal and the shingles underneath, making any necessary repairs, insulating, and installing a brand-new metal roof. All donations are appreciated - No donation is too small!
Many ways to Donate!
• DONATE ONLINE NOW: https://www.gofundme.com/robertscreekhall-roof
• BY SNAIL MAIL: Make cheques payable to & mail to:
Roberts Creek Community Association,
PO Box 261,
Roberts Creek, BC,
V0N 2W0
• ONLINE BANKING INTERAC TRANSFER Please call [phone redacted] to arrange for security question & answers to use when transferring money.
Thanks kindly,
The Roberts Creek Community Association
NB: If you want to be anonymous, please state that when making your donations!