Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Robertson Girls Education Trust

Spende geschützt
Robby's number one priority was his "girls".  In life, he worked hard for his family, always wanting us to have the best and finding special ways to create memories.  And although he has passed away, I know he wanted to make sure his girls would be supported. So many people have asked how they can help, what we need. In truth, we were blessed - we had a wonderful life together and have four beautiful girls to show for it. We appreciate those that have reached out. And we know people want to act - so this page was created for anyone interested. Any funds raised would go into a Trust dedicated to covering their educational expenses.  Maddy, Ella, Lexi and Delilah have always been Robby's and my priority and they will continue to be. Thank you - the support of our family and friends has been monumental - as I stated before, we were blessed.


  • Pauline Lodge
    • $500
    • 5 yrs


Catharine Robertson
Winchester, MA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt