Help a military family!
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A military family in need of support - help the Roginskis pay for medical related bills for their infant daughter Ana.
The Roginski family tries to provide the best possible home and family life for their children, while juggling deployments, field time, and all the other demands of military life. Both parents in this exceptional family, Michael and Katherine, are active duty soldiers at Fort Bragg, NC. Known and loved by their fellow soldiers, they have always managed to provide a stable and loving home for their 8 year old son Stefan and 5 year old daughter, Kaelyn. Recently a blessed with a new family member, unforseen medical needs have put a great deal of stress on Michael and his family.

Anastasia Rose Roginski was born on March 21st, 2017 at Womack Army Medical Center. Born underweight and with difficulty breathing, Ana was then sent to the NICU at Womack, where the Neonatologist determined that Ana had Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Since Womack does not staff a pediatric infectious disease specialist Ana was immediately transported to the North Carolina Children’s Hospital at UNC – Chapel Hill. Following viral load testing, further evaluation and ultrasounds, the NICU team determined that Ana had been born with Cysts on her brain and calcification of the auditory and ocular nerves. Ana’s viral load was so high that they gave her a 50-50 chance of survival. Ana was then placed on aggressive anti-viral chemotherapeutic medication to attempt to drastically lower her viral load. During treatment Ana developed CMV Pneumonia which can cause respiratory failure in infants. Ana spent 105 days in the Neonatal Critical Care Center before being discharged. Now at home, Ana requires oxygen 24 hours a day and can only feed through a surgically implanted Gastronomy tube. Ana still requires twice daily injections of Valganciclovir, a chemotherapy anti-viral, Lasik’s, a diuretic needed to control her blood pressure, and many different vitamin and mineral supplements.

CMV is a common virus that nearly 100% of people will contract by the time they are 40. Adults typically experience few or no symptoms. Children can experience flu like symptoms but nothing else. Infants born with CMV Congenitally can be asymptomatic to as bad as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. One in every 100 children are born with CMV. Only 10 out of 100 CMV positive infants are symptomatic. Of the infants born with Congenital Symptomatic Cytomegalovirus 20 out of 100 will have a viral load high enough to develop into CMV Pneumonia. Infants diagnosed with CMV Pneumonia and a viral load as high as Ana had, only 4 out of 10 will ever leave the hospital. Those odds alone make Ana one in 12.5 million.
Ana will likely experience some level of disability for the rest of her life. Her vision and hearing will be degenerative, making the possibility of blindness and/or deafness a possibility for her. She may experience Cerebral Palsy, causing reduction in muscularity and flexibility that could prevent her from walking. Ana requires care from many different specialists. Currently Ana is seen by her primary care doctor, special infant care clinic at UNC-Chapel Hill, pediatric infectious disease, ophthalmology, audiology, neurologist, developmental pediatrics, gastroenterology, pediatric surgical, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy as well as feeding therapy.
While hospital treatment and medication has been covered by Tricare (the military's insurance plan), many of the related expenses (travel to and from UNC, hotel room, 24 hour specialty care) have depleted this families savings and inflicted a great deal of financial hardship on the Roginski family. While Ana's survival was uncertain, both Michael and Katherine dropped everything to ensure they could stay at Ana's side. After months of living in a hotel room, the military is unable to compensate them for hotel and travel expenses.
The funds you donate will go directly to Michael and Katherine Roginski, and will assist them in providing stability and care for Ana.

The Roginski family tries to provide the best possible home and family life for their children, while juggling deployments, field time, and all the other demands of military life. Both parents in this exceptional family, Michael and Katherine, are active duty soldiers at Fort Bragg, NC. Known and loved by their fellow soldiers, they have always managed to provide a stable and loving home for their 8 year old son Stefan and 5 year old daughter, Kaelyn. Recently a blessed with a new family member, unforseen medical needs have put a great deal of stress on Michael and his family.

Anastasia Rose Roginski was born on March 21st, 2017 at Womack Army Medical Center. Born underweight and with difficulty breathing, Ana was then sent to the NICU at Womack, where the Neonatologist determined that Ana had Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Since Womack does not staff a pediatric infectious disease specialist Ana was immediately transported to the North Carolina Children’s Hospital at UNC – Chapel Hill. Following viral load testing, further evaluation and ultrasounds, the NICU team determined that Ana had been born with Cysts on her brain and calcification of the auditory and ocular nerves. Ana’s viral load was so high that they gave her a 50-50 chance of survival. Ana was then placed on aggressive anti-viral chemotherapeutic medication to attempt to drastically lower her viral load. During treatment Ana developed CMV Pneumonia which can cause respiratory failure in infants. Ana spent 105 days in the Neonatal Critical Care Center before being discharged. Now at home, Ana requires oxygen 24 hours a day and can only feed through a surgically implanted Gastronomy tube. Ana still requires twice daily injections of Valganciclovir, a chemotherapy anti-viral, Lasik’s, a diuretic needed to control her blood pressure, and many different vitamin and mineral supplements.

CMV is a common virus that nearly 100% of people will contract by the time they are 40. Adults typically experience few or no symptoms. Children can experience flu like symptoms but nothing else. Infants born with CMV Congenitally can be asymptomatic to as bad as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. One in every 100 children are born with CMV. Only 10 out of 100 CMV positive infants are symptomatic. Of the infants born with Congenital Symptomatic Cytomegalovirus 20 out of 100 will have a viral load high enough to develop into CMV Pneumonia. Infants diagnosed with CMV Pneumonia and a viral load as high as Ana had, only 4 out of 10 will ever leave the hospital. Those odds alone make Ana one in 12.5 million.
Ana will likely experience some level of disability for the rest of her life. Her vision and hearing will be degenerative, making the possibility of blindness and/or deafness a possibility for her. She may experience Cerebral Palsy, causing reduction in muscularity and flexibility that could prevent her from walking. Ana requires care from many different specialists. Currently Ana is seen by her primary care doctor, special infant care clinic at UNC-Chapel Hill, pediatric infectious disease, ophthalmology, audiology, neurologist, developmental pediatrics, gastroenterology, pediatric surgical, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy as well as feeding therapy.
While hospital treatment and medication has been covered by Tricare (the military's insurance plan), many of the related expenses (travel to and from UNC, hotel room, 24 hour specialty care) have depleted this families savings and inflicted a great deal of financial hardship on the Roginski family. While Ana's survival was uncertain, both Michael and Katherine dropped everything to ensure they could stay at Ana's side. After months of living in a hotel room, the military is unable to compensate them for hotel and travel expenses.
The funds you donate will go directly to Michael and Katherine Roginski, and will assist them in providing stability and care for Ana.

Organizer and beneficiary
Andrew Parker
Fort Bragg, NC
michael roginski