Rosie Vela Needs Our Urgent Help!
Donation protected
APRIL 30 UPDATE from Denice Lewis
Hello everyone!!! Here's some AWESOME news and an update for all of you who have been so lovingly and generously supporting our campaign for Rosie!!!!
I just received confirmation 5 minutes ago from our anonymous donor for the air travel tickets for me to fly to Barbados to pick up my beautiful dear darling soul sister and friend Rosie leaving at 8:00am on the 9th of May!!!! And to make this blessing even sweeter it seems he has also so very graciously arranged for us to travel first class!!! What an amazing soul!!!! How grateful I am and I cannot wait to share this news with Rosie too!!!
I will arrive there in the evening and stay one day and the day after that we depart in the morning and she and I will begin our journey back to Los Angeles where she will be staying with me while we attend to all of her medical needs as soon as we sign her up with Kaiser Permanente, the hospital facility that has saved my life and brought me back to as normal as I could possibly be given everything that I had gone through myself. So I know and trust the very same doctors that will be caring for Rosie since 2000!!! I cannot begin to tell you how elated this news make me feel!!!
She has a very long journey ahead of her as did I but since I've been there before I know that I will be able to show her the way and give her all the love and support, care and comfort she will need as she returns to her former glorious beautiful self and her creativity will flow like a river and soon all of you will be blessed with the very best that Rosie has ever written, played and sang in her entire life!!!
This very long and difficult journey does have a silver lining as it is the agony and the ecstasy of pain and recovery that allows for the creation of the most magical of artists endeavors by any artist in any medium and I know that my dear Rosie is about to bestow upon us all the most glorious beauty and magnificence with her music that she has ever created. It is coming and I can feel it in the very depth of my being and soul!!!! Now, we are still a very long way from our goal financially and we truly need all of you to keep spreading the word and donate as much as you can because we still need much more money than we currently have. Go Fund Me charge fees for every dollar we raise and the breakdown for this is as follows:
Personal Campaigns
+ $0.30 Payment Processing
+ $0.30 per donation
Please post Rosie’s campaign as often as you can on your social media pages and repost it every few days. Then ask all of your friends to do the same. We must keep raising funds as her health insurance will run approximately $1000 per month and then she will have co-pays for each doctor as well as small payments for each medication she requires. We can share more specific details about those things after she sees her new doctors.
She also is going to require extensive dental work. My dentist, Dr. A.J. Boyajian, has very generous agreed to match everyone’s donation with an equal discount for services at his office. He has one in Beverly Hills and one in Pasadena, California. Once we take her into see him for a consultation to analyze the actual extent of dental work necessary we will post all of this information for you as well.
I now know that our original amount that we were seeking is not going to be sufficient but we are going to keep plugging away and as soon as Rosie is with me I will be taking photos and videos to share with all of you of her progress, her gratitude to you (She is so sweet when I tell her that we have had more donations and her eyes light up and little tears roll down her cheeks because the way she feels right now is very sad and unloved and depressed from all of this) YOU are making a difference for her and I know you will continue to do so!!!
The time is finally almost here my darling Rosie and soon I will be there with you to bring you home with me!!!! Our journey is about to begin and a brand new you is about to be!!!! Here we go darling Rosie!!!! I love you so very much my sweetest of angels!!!! Namaste…..Love, Denice
I know that you would appreciate seeing photos of Rosie now but I hope you can understand that it is Rosie wish NOT to been seen publicly at this time because her appearance is very different from what it once was and she does not want to be seen as she is at this time. It would cause a great deal of embarrassment for her and would only serve as an opportunity for exploitation by the media at a time when she is extremely vulnerable. For those of you who don’t know who I am I understand. My career as a “supermodel” was in the United Kingdom and Europe. All you have to do is Google my name or go to my Facebook page and you will see plenty of photo’s of magazine covers that will validate that fact.
As far as the expense for the funds are concerned. We do not know the specific costs as of yet but I will tell you what we need to pay for. I have to fly to Barbados to pick up Rosie and escort her back to Los Angeles as she is unable to travel unassisted. She needs the cost of her airfare covered as well. We have to pay for her health insurance for coverage at Kaiser Permanente which is where I am insured and I know that for her age it will run approximately $1000.00 per month as I have had other friends insured there who were the same age as her and that is what they paid. She has her recording studio in Barbados that she wants to have shipped back to Los Angeles so that she can continue to write music while she is recovering from the surgeries that she will need for her bladder replacement and also to remove the piece of colonoscopy machine that was accidentally left in her colon from a previous procedure which is causing a constant infection in her body that is keeping her very sick right now. She needs extensive dental works as her teeth have been broken due to an endoscopy procedure that broke several of her front teeth which have been weakened due to medication use for pain over an extensive period of time because of her bladder cancer.
My dentist, Dr. A.J. Boyajian, has also very generously offered on his Facebook page to match anyone’s donation with an equal discount for services at either of his offices and he will be the dentist who will be doing the work for her teeth. This is also why she does not want to have her image posted publicly at this time.
I am also certain that the amount we have estimated for this campaign probably isn’t even enough for what she needs and we will most likely have to run another campaign as we progress in the future.
I hope that this information will satisfy many of your questions and should you have any others please do not hesitate to ask. We are all here to help Rosie find her way back to optimum health well-being and her amazing creative spirit. Thank you so much for all of your love and support!!! Namaste…..Denice D. Lewis
Dear friends, loved ones and those of you who may be reading this who don’t know Rosie Vela but who are compassionate by nature…… please read this all the way through.
My name is Denice Lewis and I am a long time friend of Rosie. We have known each other since 1982 when we met in New York when I first started modeling and Rosie was one of the most sought after beautiful supermodels in the world and on the cover of Vogue just about every other month. She was my idol!!! Both of us feisty Texan fireballs with fiercely wicked senses of humor it was sisterly love at first sight when we met one evening at a party. So I can tell you that this is no ordinary woman! I have known her through the years and she has ALWAYS been a loving, giving, positive, creative, happy, spirited, generous, soulful, beautiful, angel on earth!!!
Rosie has always been a fighter and this situation that I am about to share with all of you is probably the hardest thing that she has ever has to face because her dignity and pride has always remained intact now making this so very difficult for Rosie to do. Exposing yourself in such a vulnerable way takes enormous courage when you have lived the life of a supermodel and as a singer/songwriter and the world knows who you are for all of the glamorous things that your life “APPEARS” to be. In this world we learn early on how to wear our “game” face very well but so very sadly THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE FOR ROSIE…. nor has it been for many years…. she has been suffering incredible pain from multiple medical issue for YEARS and her money has run out!!!
Her caretaker embezzled all of her money from her as she is so ill she has been completely dependent on him for everything including managing finances and now she is PENNILESS and stuck in Barbados with an expired passport, no money for food, basic living supplies such as toilet paper and even Huggies which she has to wear because she needs a new bladder as hers is barely held on by four little strands of skin causes the obvious embarrassing issues. Not only that she is bleeding out of both her “front” and her “back”.
The hospitals in Barbados will not treat her because her insurance has lapsed as she can no longer afford to pay for her premiums. We are desperately trying to get her out of there immediately so she can come back to the USA and seek medical treatment. She has been on so much pain medication prescribed by doctors that they also performed an endoscopy on her and because of the pain medication her teeth have become extremely brittle and the procedure broke several of her front teeth out with the equipment being forced down her throat!!!
A few years ago she underwent a colonoscopy and the doctor who performed the surgery left a piece of the colonoscopy equipment inside of her body causing tremendous pain and after a hysterectomy they sewed her anatomy back together BACKWARDS!!! She suffers from severe sleep apnea and is losing her ability to think clearly and her cognitive ability has severely declined.
But I know that she can and will recover. I know this because I have personally experienced a severe physical medical breakdown while very different I suffered as deeply disturbing consequences and nearly lost my mind and was ready to go through physician assisted suicide because I could not live in my body any more. I, too, am a super model so I understand how incredibly mortifying this is to her dignity to have to ask for help in this way, but she has no other options.
Many people don’t understand these things But I’ve been there and I made it back and I am asking you all to PLEASE find it in your hearts to reach into your wallet and contribute as much as you can so we can coordinate all her needs to return safely to the USA. She must ship her recording equipment back so that when her health is better she can continue to create her amazing work. She must have assistance traveling as she is not able to do it alone. I have offered to go there to get her but I will need an airline ticket to do so as I cannot afford that either. She will need her passport renewed in order to travel. She will need money to live on for a while when she is back here and I have agreed to let her stay with me in my home for a while until we get her sorted out to keep expenses down. She will need to have her medical insurance reinstated so she can get the treatment she needs to start on the road to recovery.
This is a tragedy beyond tragedies to see this beautiful sweet woman who has been a golden girl all of her life suffer through so much pain, atrocity in medical treatments and care and now the mortification and loss of dignity with this plea so I am asking you from the bottom of my heart on her behalf to be a part of her solution and help me help Rosie and return her physical health, her mental health and her spiritual health so she can find her way back to creating that amazing musical magic which is her artistic expression for all of us to enjoy!!!
Rosie and I speak for several hours a day as her only means of communication is her tablet and we speak over Facebooks Instant Message App. I am determined to rescue her from this horrible situation but I cannot do it by myself. I need your help and Rosie really needs your help so that we can liberate her from this nightmare. She dreams of returning to her passion of music and has composed dozens of new songs and wishes to record them once she has finally recuperated from the incessant and intractable pain she suffers from. Your generous donations will immediately aid in her getting relief and nourishment. Further funds are desperately needed in order to bring her home to the USA, specifically Los Angeles, for critically necessary medical attention on a number of levels!!!
Together, we can bring Rosie home to heal, find comfort...and facilitate her desire to create more beauty for the world! Every little bit helps. Nothing is too small. My best friend for the past 20 years, Michael Keesling, is managing the campaign on Rosie’s behalf as the gatekeeper to the funds and is in charge of protecting every single penny for her so that she is completely protected and all of her needs will be managed and covered without incident!!! Way to go Mike!!!
We can’t do this without you!!! If we don’t do this there is a very real chance that Rosie won’t survive. We don’t want to lose our beautiful sister in spirit!!! If the situation were reversed she would be the first one writing a check out to help as she has done so many times in the past in her own life. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this urgent appeal. We really appreciate you so very much!!! God bless you and God bless Rosie!!! Thank you, Thank you and Thank you again!!! We love you!!!
Please help spread the word! Have a beautiful and blessed day!!!! Namaste….

It seems some have recently questioned the legitimacy of this campaign and GoFundMe has asked for the following information:
1. Who you are. My name is Mike Keesling.
2. Where you're from. I live in Los Angeles, CA
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for. My best friend is Denice Lewis. She has known and been friends with Rosie Vela for over 35 years. She speaks with Rosie via Facebook messenger video every day. She is also in constant communication with Rosie mother Nancy Bargainer via Facebook messenger as well as telephone several times a week keeping her updated as to the progress of Rosie’s condition and the success of the campaign. Denice is also the point person that people from all over the world contact to find out what is going on with Rosie as she was once a very public figure and many people are quite surprised at the condition she is now in. Denice has also had to deal with several people who have been very negative about this campaign and very accusatory regarding the legitimacy of it even though they have known her and have also been recipients of her generosity themselves over the years. Her phone rings all day and night and she manages all of these calls and questions on behalf of Rosie in order to facilitate her in achieving Rosie’s goal of returning to the USA to receive the help she needs. Rosie is bedridden and has numerous severe medical issues she is dealing with. I am managing the account because I'm Denice's business manager. Once Rosie is relocated to Los Angeles she will be living with Denice while she receives the necessary medical help and recovers.
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible). Airfare to and from Barbados for Denice to accompany Rosie as she can't travel on her own. Airfare from Barbados to Los Angeles for Rosie. Shipping Rosie's possessions from Barbados to Los Angeles. Medical insurance premiums. Those are the big ones.
5. How you intend to get the funds to those in need. Rosie's bank account is compromised. Therefore, we will buy the air tickets for Rosie and Denice directly. We will pay the shipping company directly. We will pay the medical insurance premiums directly. Neither Denice nor I are charging a dime for our time or efforts on Rosie's behalf.
If you have other questions or concerns, just let us know.
To those of you who have already contributed to Rosie's campaign, thank you. To those who contribute in the future, thank you as well.
Hello everyone!!! Here's some AWESOME news and an update for all of you who have been so lovingly and generously supporting our campaign for Rosie!!!!
I just received confirmation 5 minutes ago from our anonymous donor for the air travel tickets for me to fly to Barbados to pick up my beautiful dear darling soul sister and friend Rosie leaving at 8:00am on the 9th of May!!!! And to make this blessing even sweeter it seems he has also so very graciously arranged for us to travel first class!!! What an amazing soul!!!! How grateful I am and I cannot wait to share this news with Rosie too!!!
I will arrive there in the evening and stay one day and the day after that we depart in the morning and she and I will begin our journey back to Los Angeles where she will be staying with me while we attend to all of her medical needs as soon as we sign her up with Kaiser Permanente, the hospital facility that has saved my life and brought me back to as normal as I could possibly be given everything that I had gone through myself. So I know and trust the very same doctors that will be caring for Rosie since 2000!!! I cannot begin to tell you how elated this news make me feel!!!
She has a very long journey ahead of her as did I but since I've been there before I know that I will be able to show her the way and give her all the love and support, care and comfort she will need as she returns to her former glorious beautiful self and her creativity will flow like a river and soon all of you will be blessed with the very best that Rosie has ever written, played and sang in her entire life!!!
This very long and difficult journey does have a silver lining as it is the agony and the ecstasy of pain and recovery that allows for the creation of the most magical of artists endeavors by any artist in any medium and I know that my dear Rosie is about to bestow upon us all the most glorious beauty and magnificence with her music that she has ever created. It is coming and I can feel it in the very depth of my being and soul!!!! Now, we are still a very long way from our goal financially and we truly need all of you to keep spreading the word and donate as much as you can because we still need much more money than we currently have. Go Fund Me charge fees for every dollar we raise and the breakdown for this is as follows:
Personal Campaigns
+ $0.30 Payment Processing
+ $0.30 per donation
Please post Rosie’s campaign as often as you can on your social media pages and repost it every few days. Then ask all of your friends to do the same. We must keep raising funds as her health insurance will run approximately $1000 per month and then she will have co-pays for each doctor as well as small payments for each medication she requires. We can share more specific details about those things after she sees her new doctors.
She also is going to require extensive dental work. My dentist, Dr. A.J. Boyajian, has very generous agreed to match everyone’s donation with an equal discount for services at his office. He has one in Beverly Hills and one in Pasadena, California. Once we take her into see him for a consultation to analyze the actual extent of dental work necessary we will post all of this information for you as well.
I now know that our original amount that we were seeking is not going to be sufficient but we are going to keep plugging away and as soon as Rosie is with me I will be taking photos and videos to share with all of you of her progress, her gratitude to you (She is so sweet when I tell her that we have had more donations and her eyes light up and little tears roll down her cheeks because the way she feels right now is very sad and unloved and depressed from all of this) YOU are making a difference for her and I know you will continue to do so!!!
The time is finally almost here my darling Rosie and soon I will be there with you to bring you home with me!!!! Our journey is about to begin and a brand new you is about to be!!!! Here we go darling Rosie!!!! I love you so very much my sweetest of angels!!!! Namaste…..Love, Denice
I know that you would appreciate seeing photos of Rosie now but I hope you can understand that it is Rosie wish NOT to been seen publicly at this time because her appearance is very different from what it once was and she does not want to be seen as she is at this time. It would cause a great deal of embarrassment for her and would only serve as an opportunity for exploitation by the media at a time when she is extremely vulnerable. For those of you who don’t know who I am I understand. My career as a “supermodel” was in the United Kingdom and Europe. All you have to do is Google my name or go to my Facebook page and you will see plenty of photo’s of magazine covers that will validate that fact.
As far as the expense for the funds are concerned. We do not know the specific costs as of yet but I will tell you what we need to pay for. I have to fly to Barbados to pick up Rosie and escort her back to Los Angeles as she is unable to travel unassisted. She needs the cost of her airfare covered as well. We have to pay for her health insurance for coverage at Kaiser Permanente which is where I am insured and I know that for her age it will run approximately $1000.00 per month as I have had other friends insured there who were the same age as her and that is what they paid. She has her recording studio in Barbados that she wants to have shipped back to Los Angeles so that she can continue to write music while she is recovering from the surgeries that she will need for her bladder replacement and also to remove the piece of colonoscopy machine that was accidentally left in her colon from a previous procedure which is causing a constant infection in her body that is keeping her very sick right now. She needs extensive dental works as her teeth have been broken due to an endoscopy procedure that broke several of her front teeth which have been weakened due to medication use for pain over an extensive period of time because of her bladder cancer.
My dentist, Dr. A.J. Boyajian, has also very generously offered on his Facebook page to match anyone’s donation with an equal discount for services at either of his offices and he will be the dentist who will be doing the work for her teeth. This is also why she does not want to have her image posted publicly at this time.
I am also certain that the amount we have estimated for this campaign probably isn’t even enough for what she needs and we will most likely have to run another campaign as we progress in the future.
I hope that this information will satisfy many of your questions and should you have any others please do not hesitate to ask. We are all here to help Rosie find her way back to optimum health well-being and her amazing creative spirit. Thank you so much for all of your love and support!!! Namaste…..Denice D. Lewis
Dear friends, loved ones and those of you who may be reading this who don’t know Rosie Vela but who are compassionate by nature…… please read this all the way through.
My name is Denice Lewis and I am a long time friend of Rosie. We have known each other since 1982 when we met in New York when I first started modeling and Rosie was one of the most sought after beautiful supermodels in the world and on the cover of Vogue just about every other month. She was my idol!!! Both of us feisty Texan fireballs with fiercely wicked senses of humor it was sisterly love at first sight when we met one evening at a party. So I can tell you that this is no ordinary woman! I have known her through the years and she has ALWAYS been a loving, giving, positive, creative, happy, spirited, generous, soulful, beautiful, angel on earth!!!
Rosie has always been a fighter and this situation that I am about to share with all of you is probably the hardest thing that she has ever has to face because her dignity and pride has always remained intact now making this so very difficult for Rosie to do. Exposing yourself in such a vulnerable way takes enormous courage when you have lived the life of a supermodel and as a singer/songwriter and the world knows who you are for all of the glamorous things that your life “APPEARS” to be. In this world we learn early on how to wear our “game” face very well but so very sadly THIS IS NO LONGER THE CASE FOR ROSIE…. nor has it been for many years…. she has been suffering incredible pain from multiple medical issue for YEARS and her money has run out!!!
Her caretaker embezzled all of her money from her as she is so ill she has been completely dependent on him for everything including managing finances and now she is PENNILESS and stuck in Barbados with an expired passport, no money for food, basic living supplies such as toilet paper and even Huggies which she has to wear because she needs a new bladder as hers is barely held on by four little strands of skin causes the obvious embarrassing issues. Not only that she is bleeding out of both her “front” and her “back”.
The hospitals in Barbados will not treat her because her insurance has lapsed as she can no longer afford to pay for her premiums. We are desperately trying to get her out of there immediately so she can come back to the USA and seek medical treatment. She has been on so much pain medication prescribed by doctors that they also performed an endoscopy on her and because of the pain medication her teeth have become extremely brittle and the procedure broke several of her front teeth out with the equipment being forced down her throat!!!
A few years ago she underwent a colonoscopy and the doctor who performed the surgery left a piece of the colonoscopy equipment inside of her body causing tremendous pain and after a hysterectomy they sewed her anatomy back together BACKWARDS!!! She suffers from severe sleep apnea and is losing her ability to think clearly and her cognitive ability has severely declined.
But I know that she can and will recover. I know this because I have personally experienced a severe physical medical breakdown while very different I suffered as deeply disturbing consequences and nearly lost my mind and was ready to go through physician assisted suicide because I could not live in my body any more. I, too, am a super model so I understand how incredibly mortifying this is to her dignity to have to ask for help in this way, but she has no other options.
Many people don’t understand these things But I’ve been there and I made it back and I am asking you all to PLEASE find it in your hearts to reach into your wallet and contribute as much as you can so we can coordinate all her needs to return safely to the USA. She must ship her recording equipment back so that when her health is better she can continue to create her amazing work. She must have assistance traveling as she is not able to do it alone. I have offered to go there to get her but I will need an airline ticket to do so as I cannot afford that either. She will need her passport renewed in order to travel. She will need money to live on for a while when she is back here and I have agreed to let her stay with me in my home for a while until we get her sorted out to keep expenses down. She will need to have her medical insurance reinstated so she can get the treatment she needs to start on the road to recovery.
This is a tragedy beyond tragedies to see this beautiful sweet woman who has been a golden girl all of her life suffer through so much pain, atrocity in medical treatments and care and now the mortification and loss of dignity with this plea so I am asking you from the bottom of my heart on her behalf to be a part of her solution and help me help Rosie and return her physical health, her mental health and her spiritual health so she can find her way back to creating that amazing musical magic which is her artistic expression for all of us to enjoy!!!
Rosie and I speak for several hours a day as her only means of communication is her tablet and we speak over Facebooks Instant Message App. I am determined to rescue her from this horrible situation but I cannot do it by myself. I need your help and Rosie really needs your help so that we can liberate her from this nightmare. She dreams of returning to her passion of music and has composed dozens of new songs and wishes to record them once she has finally recuperated from the incessant and intractable pain she suffers from. Your generous donations will immediately aid in her getting relief and nourishment. Further funds are desperately needed in order to bring her home to the USA, specifically Los Angeles, for critically necessary medical attention on a number of levels!!!
Together, we can bring Rosie home to heal, find comfort...and facilitate her desire to create more beauty for the world! Every little bit helps. Nothing is too small. My best friend for the past 20 years, Michael Keesling, is managing the campaign on Rosie’s behalf as the gatekeeper to the funds and is in charge of protecting every single penny for her so that she is completely protected and all of her needs will be managed and covered without incident!!! Way to go Mike!!!
We can’t do this without you!!! If we don’t do this there is a very real chance that Rosie won’t survive. We don’t want to lose our beautiful sister in spirit!!! If the situation were reversed she would be the first one writing a check out to help as she has done so many times in the past in her own life. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this urgent appeal. We really appreciate you so very much!!! God bless you and God bless Rosie!!! Thank you, Thank you and Thank you again!!! We love you!!!
Please help spread the word! Have a beautiful and blessed day!!!! Namaste….

It seems some have recently questioned the legitimacy of this campaign and GoFundMe has asked for the following information:
1. Who you are. My name is Mike Keesling.
2. Where you're from. I live in Los Angeles, CA
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for. My best friend is Denice Lewis. She has known and been friends with Rosie Vela for over 35 years. She speaks with Rosie via Facebook messenger video every day. She is also in constant communication with Rosie mother Nancy Bargainer via Facebook messenger as well as telephone several times a week keeping her updated as to the progress of Rosie’s condition and the success of the campaign. Denice is also the point person that people from all over the world contact to find out what is going on with Rosie as she was once a very public figure and many people are quite surprised at the condition she is now in. Denice has also had to deal with several people who have been very negative about this campaign and very accusatory regarding the legitimacy of it even though they have known her and have also been recipients of her generosity themselves over the years. Her phone rings all day and night and she manages all of these calls and questions on behalf of Rosie in order to facilitate her in achieving Rosie’s goal of returning to the USA to receive the help she needs. Rosie is bedridden and has numerous severe medical issues she is dealing with. I am managing the account because I'm Denice's business manager. Once Rosie is relocated to Los Angeles she will be living with Denice while she receives the necessary medical help and recovers.
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible). Airfare to and from Barbados for Denice to accompany Rosie as she can't travel on her own. Airfare from Barbados to Los Angeles for Rosie. Shipping Rosie's possessions from Barbados to Los Angeles. Medical insurance premiums. Those are the big ones.
5. How you intend to get the funds to those in need. Rosie's bank account is compromised. Therefore, we will buy the air tickets for Rosie and Denice directly. We will pay the shipping company directly. We will pay the medical insurance premiums directly. Neither Denice nor I are charging a dime for our time or efforts on Rosie's behalf.
If you have other questions or concerns, just let us know.
To those of you who have already contributed to Rosie's campaign, thank you. To those who contribute in the future, thank you as well.
michael keesling
Los Angeles, CA