Sajjra Way To Recovery
Donation protected
On the 26th of February, 2015, Sajjra Poljo was hit by a speeding car right outside of her home. The impact that threw her 20 meters distance shattered almost every bone in her body. This tragic accident left little Sajjra barely alive, but completely tied to a wheelchair. Ever since the accident, Sajjra, along with her parents Selma and Mirsad, has been fiercely fighting every day for a chance to walk again.

Because of reckless drivers who speed through the “Sarajevska ulica” in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, mother Selma walked her daughter to school and back for three years.
On that fatal day, 26.02, 2015, Selma didn’t pick her daughter up from school and walk her home due to the lack of time, so she asked her neighbor to take up that responsibility.
While he fulfilled his responsibility and brought Sajjra home, the reckless driver who sped through the street and hit Sajjra who had already stepped into her home garden- didn’t.

Sajjra's mother Selma, on the day the accident happened: „We come running outside and I see her little umbrella laying on the street. I crouch down to pick it up, still expecting to see my daughter somewhere close by on the road. But I don't see her. I only see strands of hair entangled on the nearby fence, along with ripped pieces of her coat and hat. That fence tore her apart, but it's also what saved her life."

The stem cell transplants she has had are proving to be extremely helpful. From the time of the accident, she wasn’t able to even sit down, let alone stand up, or feel her legs at all, but after the three stem transplants, Sajjra is able to sit, walk with assistance, and she has regained some feeling in her left leg. Her exercises keep her alive and as strong as she can be. This is something no doctor said could be possible, but it was. It is.

The accident never tore into Sajjra's spirit either, as she continues to grow her love for painting. She even sold many of her paintings to help her parents in getting the money for her treatments. Thing is, we know Sajjra will one day be able to paint the most beautiful creations of her mind without having to be sat in a wheelchair, or be surrounded by medical equipment. We just know it. It's how it's meant to be.

Her life will not be halted by this accident. Sajjra's parents, Selma and Mirsad are determined to get their daughter to walk again and have a normal life, as any child deserves to have. No one should be condemned to a stolen childhood because of someone else's recklessness.

In January 2018, Sajjra will be going to a 4th stem transplant, and after that, she will be going to rehab in Croatia and the entire process along with their time staying there will cost 14.000 euros.
Sajjra's parents have been able to accrue the funds for Sajjra's upcoming stem transplant, however, they will need your help in getting the money for her rehab in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
It has been a gruesome struggle for Sajjra and her family. While they have held their own with dignity and hard work for quite a time, and they always managed to accrue the funds needed for the treatment of their daughter, sometimes it was a very close call.
We cannot let it be a close call anymore.
To all parents out there who have felt the pain of having their child look at them with eyes filled with hope and expectation that they will take away their pain, whether it be small as a throat ache or as big as paraplegia... You understand. And your understanding and compassion are what's going to get Sajjra through her hardships.
To all good people who are willing to donate or even simply share Sajjra's story, please know that every bit of effort will go a long way for Sajjra and her family.
Thank you for reading and donating. Godspeed.

This campaign was created by me(Sandra Babic) on behalf of my longtime friend Selma Curic Poljo, Sajjra's mother. We have known each other since high school and remained friends ever since. I appreciate and say thank you to any and all donations made for this campaign. All of the money donated will be sent via Western Union by me to Sajjra's mother Selma. Thanks again!

Because of reckless drivers who speed through the “Sarajevska ulica” in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, mother Selma walked her daughter to school and back for three years.
On that fatal day, 26.02, 2015, Selma didn’t pick her daughter up from school and walk her home due to the lack of time, so she asked her neighbor to take up that responsibility.
While he fulfilled his responsibility and brought Sajjra home, the reckless driver who sped through the street and hit Sajjra who had already stepped into her home garden- didn’t.

Sajjra's mother Selma, on the day the accident happened: „We come running outside and I see her little umbrella laying on the street. I crouch down to pick it up, still expecting to see my daughter somewhere close by on the road. But I don't see her. I only see strands of hair entangled on the nearby fence, along with ripped pieces of her coat and hat. That fence tore her apart, but it's also what saved her life."

The stem cell transplants she has had are proving to be extremely helpful. From the time of the accident, she wasn’t able to even sit down, let alone stand up, or feel her legs at all, but after the three stem transplants, Sajjra is able to sit, walk with assistance, and she has regained some feeling in her left leg. Her exercises keep her alive and as strong as she can be. This is something no doctor said could be possible, but it was. It is.

The accident never tore into Sajjra's spirit either, as she continues to grow her love for painting. She even sold many of her paintings to help her parents in getting the money for her treatments. Thing is, we know Sajjra will one day be able to paint the most beautiful creations of her mind without having to be sat in a wheelchair, or be surrounded by medical equipment. We just know it. It's how it's meant to be.

Her life will not be halted by this accident. Sajjra's parents, Selma and Mirsad are determined to get their daughter to walk again and have a normal life, as any child deserves to have. No one should be condemned to a stolen childhood because of someone else's recklessness.

In January 2018, Sajjra will be going to a 4th stem transplant, and after that, she will be going to rehab in Croatia and the entire process along with their time staying there will cost 14.000 euros.
Sajjra's parents have been able to accrue the funds for Sajjra's upcoming stem transplant, however, they will need your help in getting the money for her rehab in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
It has been a gruesome struggle for Sajjra and her family. While they have held their own with dignity and hard work for quite a time, and they always managed to accrue the funds needed for the treatment of their daughter, sometimes it was a very close call.
We cannot let it be a close call anymore.
To all parents out there who have felt the pain of having their child look at them with eyes filled with hope and expectation that they will take away their pain, whether it be small as a throat ache or as big as paraplegia... You understand. And your understanding and compassion are what's going to get Sajjra through her hardships.
To all good people who are willing to donate or even simply share Sajjra's story, please know that every bit of effort will go a long way for Sajjra and her family.
Thank you for reading and donating. Godspeed.

This campaign was created by me(Sandra Babic) on behalf of my longtime friend Selma Curic Poljo, Sajjra's mother. We have known each other since high school and remained friends ever since. I appreciate and say thank you to any and all donations made for this campaign. All of the money donated will be sent via Western Union by me to Sajjra's mother Selma. Thanks again!
Sandra Babic
Baltimore, MD