Aleksandar & Mladen Memorial Funds
Donation protected
Once again we would like to thank everybody who contributed to memorial funds for Aleksandar & Mladen. At this time we would like to inform everybody that our beloved friends were transported to their homes as requested by their family.
Funds collected will be withdrawn and forwarded to their families in next few days.
As agreed by family of Aleksandar and Mladen money will be collected by Milos Mirkovic their childhood friend who will then transfer collected money overseas.
Thank you for your generous contribution.
God bless.
Jos jednom bi hteli da se zahvalimo svima koji su pomogli u prikupljanju sredstava za Aleksandra i Mladena. U ovom trenutku bi voleli da vas obavestimo da su nasi dragi prijatelji uspesno transportovani.
Prikupljeni novac ce po zelji njhovih porodica biti uplacen na ime Milos Mirkovic, koji je Aleksandrov i Mladenov drugar iz detinjstva. Milos ce nakon toga proslediti prikupljeni novac porodicama nastradalih.
Hvala jos jednom svima koji sam nam pomogli u ovim teskim trenucima.
We would like to thank everybody who contributed to Aleksandar & Mladen's Memorial Funds-while the expense for burial transport is just a part of your generous contribution, the remaining money will be provided to the two immediate families to help them in providing a source of income. We understand this will not ease the pain of the significant loss they have barred; however, we hope and pray this will ease their financial security.
This fundraiser was opened on behalf of their closest friends, who are deeply hurt by their tragic loss. We have been in constant communication with their beloveds and are working hard to ensure all this money will be for their proper burial rights and securely sent to their immediate families.
U ovom trenutku zeleli bi da se zahvalimo svima na donaciji za Aleksandra i Mladena. Deo skupljenog novca po zelji njihovih voljenih ce biti iskoriscen za transport tela a sav ostatak biti podeljen izmedju dve neutesne porodice.Iako novac ne moze da pruzi utehu u ovom tragicnom trenutku,mi se molimo da ce bar na neki nacin pomoci ozaloscenim porodicama.
Ova donacija je organizovana od strane Mladenovih i Aleksandrovih najblizih prijatelja u saradnji sa porodicama nastradalih.
In Loving Memory of Aleksandar Sakovski & Mladen Petrovic; loving & kind sons, siblings, and friends. In just late 20's, they came to America seeking a better life to care for their families. With nothing in hand,working varies jobs they became truck drivers seeking for better tomorrow . After the horrible accident on September 19th,2018 took their lives at early 30's , their families are left with nothing but the memories of what they once knew-their happy and full-of-life boys.
At this time, we are asking for donations to perform their burial rights in their hometowns. Money will be provided to their respective families, so they may continue during this time of grieving. Any kind consideration will be very meaningful to them. Please pray for the families of Aleksandar and Mladen and pray they may get through this hard time.
Thank you, God Bless.
U znak secanja na Aleksandra Sakovskog i Mladena Petrovica;voljenih i briznih sinova,brace i prijatelja.U svojim najboljim godinama su dosli u Ameriku u potrazi za boljim zivotom kako bi pomogli svojim porodicama i sebi. Krenuvsi bez icega radili su vredno i naporno razne poslove ka ostvarenju svojih ciljeva i kao tim usli u kamion. Njihov put ka sreci je tragicno okoncam u strasnoj nesreci Septembra 19. 2018. ostavljaci iza sebe secanje na uvek nasmejana i vedra lica svima dragih Krusa i Coe.
Ovim putem vam se obracamo sa molbom da nam se pridruzite u prikupljanju pomoci za porodice tragicno nastradalih kako bi smo im pomogli u ovim teskim trenucima.
Unapred zahvalni!
Funds collected will be withdrawn and forwarded to their families in next few days.
As agreed by family of Aleksandar and Mladen money will be collected by Milos Mirkovic their childhood friend who will then transfer collected money overseas.
Thank you for your generous contribution.
God bless.
Jos jednom bi hteli da se zahvalimo svima koji su pomogli u prikupljanju sredstava za Aleksandra i Mladena. U ovom trenutku bi voleli da vas obavestimo da su nasi dragi prijatelji uspesno transportovani.
Prikupljeni novac ce po zelji njhovih porodica biti uplacen na ime Milos Mirkovic, koji je Aleksandrov i Mladenov drugar iz detinjstva. Milos ce nakon toga proslediti prikupljeni novac porodicama nastradalih.
Hvala jos jednom svima koji sam nam pomogli u ovim teskim trenucima.
We would like to thank everybody who contributed to Aleksandar & Mladen's Memorial Funds-while the expense for burial transport is just a part of your generous contribution, the remaining money will be provided to the two immediate families to help them in providing a source of income. We understand this will not ease the pain of the significant loss they have barred; however, we hope and pray this will ease their financial security.
This fundraiser was opened on behalf of their closest friends, who are deeply hurt by their tragic loss. We have been in constant communication with their beloveds and are working hard to ensure all this money will be for their proper burial rights and securely sent to their immediate families.
U ovom trenutku zeleli bi da se zahvalimo svima na donaciji za Aleksandra i Mladena. Deo skupljenog novca po zelji njihovih voljenih ce biti iskoriscen za transport tela a sav ostatak biti podeljen izmedju dve neutesne porodice.Iako novac ne moze da pruzi utehu u ovom tragicnom trenutku,mi se molimo da ce bar na neki nacin pomoci ozaloscenim porodicama.
Ova donacija je organizovana od strane Mladenovih i Aleksandrovih najblizih prijatelja u saradnji sa porodicama nastradalih.
In Loving Memory of Aleksandar Sakovski & Mladen Petrovic; loving & kind sons, siblings, and friends. In just late 20's, they came to America seeking a better life to care for their families. With nothing in hand,working varies jobs they became truck drivers seeking for better tomorrow . After the horrible accident on September 19th,2018 took their lives at early 30's , their families are left with nothing but the memories of what they once knew-their happy and full-of-life boys.
At this time, we are asking for donations to perform their burial rights in their hometowns. Money will be provided to their respective families, so they may continue during this time of grieving. Any kind consideration will be very meaningful to them. Please pray for the families of Aleksandar and Mladen and pray they may get through this hard time.
Thank you, God Bless.
U znak secanja na Aleksandra Sakovskog i Mladena Petrovica;voljenih i briznih sinova,brace i prijatelja.U svojim najboljim godinama su dosli u Ameriku u potrazi za boljim zivotom kako bi pomogli svojim porodicama i sebi. Krenuvsi bez icega radili su vredno i naporno razne poslove ka ostvarenju svojih ciljeva i kao tim usli u kamion. Njihov put ka sreci je tragicno okoncam u strasnoj nesreci Septembra 19. 2018. ostavljaci iza sebe secanje na uvek nasmejana i vedra lica svima dragih Krusa i Coe.
Ovim putem vam se obracamo sa molbom da nam se pridruzite u prikupljanju pomoci za porodice tragicno nastradalih kako bi smo im pomogli u ovim teskim trenucima.
Unapred zahvalni!
Organizer and beneficiary
Milos Gubic
Lemont, IL
Milos Mirkovic