Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Santee Sioux Nation Utilities

Donación protegida
Our tribe and local areas around us has been hit by flooding along the Missouri river. I have checked in with the Chairman and Vice Chairman about what the biggest needs are. They have said that an Emergency fund to help fix our water is top priority! We can include utilities, sewage waste system repairs, water line repairs." We have 3 wells, the way it should work is 2 pumping and one resting and we will have pretty much half of a well working. It costs $20,000 to fix one pump!

The Santee Utilities commission has been working on fixing the water system but funding is needed to get it fixed!

Our tribal council and finance staff will be working with the Utilities Commission staff to ensure proper distribution of the funds.

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Santee Sioux Nation (3)

Misty Frazier
Niobrara, NE
Derek LaPointe
Sidney Tuttle
Team member

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe