Officer Saul Cruz Funeral Fund
Hello, my name is Elsa Montano
I lost my husband Saul Cruz this Tuesday 12/22/2015 while he was woking at a convenience store when he was ambush and killed by two man. Saul was a very kind and loving person and always help anyone when needed, he was very dedicated to his job and worked hard to support his family. You probably heard the story on the news that day, it was one of my worst news and sad day.
My husband which it will be missed, worked and lived from pay check to pay check like must of us in this country and therefor me and my family are asking you for your help to cover funeral cost and other expenses that are to come with this tragedy. I love and will missed my husband and I and my family will be forever thankful for helping us give him a proper funeral that he deserves.
Thank you again for taking your time and any donation is welcome.
abc13 news full report link: